Institutional Surveys on Learning Experience (ISLE) Administered by EDC
EDC has been conducting annual surveys since 2012 to collect students’ feedback on their learning gains and experiences at PolyU. Starting from 2021/22, these surveys are revamped as Institutional Surveys on Learning Experience (ISLE), which invite the following groups of students:
- First year undergraduate students (ISLE – Y1)
- Final year undergraduate students (ISLE – FY)
- Final year taught postgraduate students (ISLE – FY (TPG))
The ISLE aims to understand how to better support and enhance students’ learning by gathering their views on various aspects of their learning and teaching at the university.
The survey results, including both quantitative data and qualitative comments, are shared with the University, Faculties, Departments and Programmes for quality assurance and enhancement purposes on learning and teaching. EDC also facilitates discussions with Deans, Heads, programme leaders and relevant staff to address any issues or concerns arising from the findings.

Access to Reports

Publication about ISLE

You said, we did

For any general enquiries or support regarding ISLE, please contact info.isle@polyu.edu.hk
For advice or consultation, please contact:
Ms Ada Tse, ada.sk.tse@polyu.edu.hk, 2766 4414