Dr Julia Chen
Director of Educational Development
- Location TU626a
- Phone +852 3400 3173
- mail julia.chen@polyu.edu.hk
Chair, Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance (initiated by the UGC) 香港高等教育卓越教學聯盟主席
Associate Professor (courtesy), Department of English and Communication
Areas of Responsibility
Institution support
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Qualifications
Work Experience
I am the Director of the Educational Development Centre at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, lead the Institution Support section, and oversee and steer the multi-faceted work of the Centre. I am also an Associate Professor (courtesy) at the Department of English and Communication. I co-teach the subject "Curriculum and Assessment" in the Professional Doctorate programme Doctor of Applied Language Sciences (DALS) offered by the Faculty of Humanities, and conduct DALS doctoral student supervision. My research interests include English Across the Curriculum, leveraging technology for advancing learning and teaching, and using learning analytics for curriculum review and quality enhancement. I am the Project Leader of a number of inter-institutional and institutional projects related to English Across the Curriculum, and co-lead projects with Stanford University on developing an online learning platform with automatic error correction. I was the chief organiser of the 2015, 2018 and 2021 international conferences on English Across the Curriculum (http://eacconference.elc.polyu.edu.hk/, https://elc.polyu.edu.hk/conference/EAC2018/, and https://elc.polyu.edu.hk/conference/EAC2021/). Before taking up my current post, I was Associate Director of the English Language Centre, where I coordinated 4YC Language & Communication Requirement (LCR) subjects, materials development and QA; led a comprehensive curriculum review of the core LCR English subjects; taught PhD and MPhil students from across the disciplines a subject that I developed entitled "Thesis Writing for Research Students"; and was the Chair of the Faculty of Humanities' Learning and Teaching Committee. I have had extensive EAP and ESP subject leading and development experience. I am a Principal Fellow of Advance HE (PFHEA), and have received ATCL, LTCL and FTCL from Trinity College London.
THE Awards Asia 2023, ‘Teaching and Learning Strategy of the Year’ shortlisted finalist
QS Reimagine: Breakthrough Technology Innovation in Education Award, Silver, 2022
University Grants Committee 2022 Teaching Award, Collaborative Team Category (Team Leader)
First Prize, Paper Award 2022, from HK PolyU Community of Practice on Conducting Learning Analytics to Inform Teaching and Learning
Distinguished Fellow of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (lifetime designated award)
2021 EdTech Awards, Cool Awards for resources/helpful sites or tools for education – Finalist
2020 Learning Technologist of the Year Awards, Community Award (from the Association for Learning Technology, U.K.)
Reimagine Education Awards 2019 – Shortlisted for the Learning Assessment Award (Team Leader)
Faculty of Humanities Dean's Award for Research Excellence 2017-18
Reimagine Education Awards 2017 - Shortlisted for the Learning Assessment Award (Team Leader)
University Grants Committee (UGC) Teaching Award Shortlisted Finalist 2013
President's Award for Excellent Performance/Achievement in Services 2011-12 (Team Leader)
Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance/Achievement in Services 2010-11 (Team Leader)
President's Award for Excellent Performance/Achievement in Teaching 2002-03
Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance/Achievement in Teaching 2002-03
Chen, J., Lin, L., Nixon, C., & Foung, D. (2025). Doubling educational effectiveness: Conducting multidimensional research to (re-)inform curriculum enhancement. In D. Wyse, V. Baumfield, N. Mockler, & M. Reardon (eds.), The BERA-Sage Handbook of Research-Informed Education Practice and Policy.
Sze, W. S., & Chen, J. (2024). Feasibility of blended learning adoption in a Hong Kong tertiary English environment: A study of students’ learning gain and experiences. Iris Journal of Education and Research, 4(3). IJER.MS.ID.000587. https://irispublishers.com/ijer/pdf/IJER.MS.ID.000587.pdf
Foung, D., Lin, L., & Chen, J. (2024). Reinventing assessments with ChatGPT and other online tools: Opportunities for GenAI-empowered assessment practices. Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence, 6, 100250. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.caeai.2024.100250
Chen, J. (2024 April 18). The three questions that will define the future of higher education. THE Campus. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/campus/three-questions-will-define-future-higher-education
Chen, J., & Foung, D. (2024.) Informing English for Academic Purposes teaching and learning with big data analytics. In Wong, L. (ed.), Best practices in English teaching and learning in higher education: Lessons from Hong Kong for global practice. Chapter 9. Routledge.
Chen, J., & Foung, D. (2023). Using learning analytics to support learners. In S. Wa-Mbaleka, K. Thompson, & L. Casimiro. (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Online Higher Education (pp. 546-558). SAGE. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781529673029
Foung, D., Chen, J., & Cheung, K. (2023). Exploring language needs of college transfer students with learning analytics: Towards a more equitable experience. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20, 60. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-023-00429-y
Foung, D., Kohnke, L., & Chen, J. (2023). Predicting student success with self-regulated behaviors. In P. D. Moskal, C. D. Dziuban, & A. G. Picciano (Eds.), Data analytics and adaptive learning: Research perspectives (pp. 92-109). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003244271
Chen, J. (2023 July 21). Four directions for assessment redesign in the age of generative AI. THE Campus. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/campus/four-directions-assessment-redesign-age-generative-ai
Kohnke, L., Foung, D. & Chen, J. (2023). Cluster analysis of Hong Kong students’ self-regulated learning in contextualized multimodal language learning. Educational Technology & Society, 26(3), 53-68. https://doi.org/10.30191/ETS.202307_26(3).0005
Chen, J., Lai, P., Chan, A., Man, V., & Chan, C-H. (2023). AI-assisted enhancement of student presentation skills: Challenges and opportunities. Sustainability, 15 (1), 196. Special issue on Language Education in the Age of AI and Emerging Technologies. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15010196
Chen, J. (2022). Future-looking principle-based curriculum innovations. In M. Brooke, S. Zhu, A. Ramanujan, T. Smotrova, S. Sim (Eds.), NUS 6th CELC Symposium Proceedings (pp. 18-28). https://blog.nus.edu.sg/celcblog/2022/11/09/future-looking-principle-based-curriculum-innovations-by-julia-chen-2/
Foung, D. & Chen, J. (2022). Tracing writing progression in English for academic purposes: A data-driven possibility in the post-COVID era in Hong Kong. Frontiers in Education. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.967117
Kohnke, L., Foung, D., & Chen, J. (2022). Using learner analytics to explore the potential contribution of multimodal formative assessment to academic success in higher education. SAGE Open. https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440221089957
Chen, J., Lin, L., Foung, D., & Nixon, C. (2022). Quality assurance and enhancement: An application of digitalised data. In A. Kaplan (ed.) Digital transformation and disruption of higher education, (pp. 130-146). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108979146 ISBN: 9781108838900
Foung, D., Chen, J., & Lin, L. (2022). When “blended” becomes “online”: A data-driven study on the change of self-directed engagement during COVID-19. CALICO Journal, 39(1), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.19666
Chen, J. & Morrison, B. (2021). Introduction. In B. Morrison, J. Chen, L. Lin, & A. Urmston. (Eds.) English across the curriculum: Voices from around the world (pp. 3-14). WAC Clearinghouse. https://doi.org/10.37514/INT-B.2021.1220.1.3
Chen, J., Chan, C., Man, V., & Tsang, E. (2021). Helping students from different disciplines with their final year/capstone project: Supervisors’ and students’ needs and requests. In B. Morrison, J. Chen, L. Lin, & A. Urmston. (Eds.) English across the curriculum: Voices from around the world (pp. 91-106). WAC Clearinghouse. https://doi.org/10.37514/INT-B.2021.1220.2.05
Townsend, M. A., Zawacki, T. M., Palmquist, M., & Chen, J. (2021). The (transnational) past, present, and future of the Writing Across the Curriculum movement. In B. Morrison, J. Chen, L. Lin, & A. Urmston. (Eds.) English across the curriculum: Voices from around the world (pp. 311-329). WAC Clearinghouse. https://doi.org/10.37514/INT-B.2021.1220.2.17
Morrison, B., Chen, J., Lin, L., & Urmston, A. (Eds.). (2021). English across the curriculum: Voices from around the world. WAC Clearinghouse. https://doi.org/10.37514/INT-B.2021.1220
Chen, J., Chan, C., & Ng, A. (2021). English across the curriculum: Four journeys of synergy across disciplines and universities. In H. Lee, & B. Spolsky (Eds.) Localizing global English: Asian perspectives and practices (pp. 84-103). Oxon: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003082705
Chen, J. & Yap, V. (2020). Exploring the use of a mobile application designed for capstone projects for Hong Kong tertiary students. ICERI2020 Proceedings, (pp. 9033-9040). IATED. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2020.2008
Foung, D., Chen, J. & Lin, L. (2020). Unveiling the inconvenient truth: The innovation process in implementing a university dashboard. In S. Palahicky (ed.) Enhancing Learning Design for Innovative Teaching in Higher Education (pp. 162-181). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-2943-0
Chen, J. & Foung, D. (2020). A motivational story in Hong Kong: Generating goals for language learners and blended learning designers from a mixed-method learning analytics approach in English for Academic Purposes. In M. Freiermuth & N. Zarrinabadi. (Eds.). Technology and the Psychology of Second Language Learners and Users(pp. 491-516). London: Palgrave-Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34212-8_19
Chen, J. (2020). EAP in Hong Kong. In H. Terauchi, J. Noguchi, & A. Tajino (Eds.). Towards a new paradigm for English language teaching: English for specific purposes in Asia and beyond (pp. 115-126). Oxon: Routledge.
Foung, D. & Chen, J. (2019a). Disciplinary challenges in first-year writing courses: A big data study of students across disciplines at a Hong Kong University. Asian EFL Journal, 25(5.1), 313-331. https://www.asian-efl-journal.com/monthly-editions-new/2019-monthly-journals/volume-25-issue-5-1-2019-2/
Foung, D. & Chen, J. (2019b). A learning analytics approach to the evaluation of an online learning package in a Hong Kong university. Electronic Journal of e-Learning (EJEL), 17(1), 11-24. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1215541.pdf
Foung, D. & Chen, J. (2019). Discovering disciplinary differences: Blending data sources to explore the student online behaviors in a university English course. Information Discovery and Delivery, 47(2), 106-114. https://doi.org/10.1108/IDD-10-2018-0053
Chen, J. & Foung, D. (2019). Connecting teacher-made assessments to course learning outcomes through learning analytics: an empirical model. In White, E., & Delaney, T. (eds.), Handbook of Research on Assessment Literacy and Teacher-Made Testing in the Language Classroom, pp.101-125. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-6986-2
Chen, J. (2018). Comprehensive review of university English subjects: Results and reflections. JACET Journal, 62, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.32234/jacetjournal.62.0_1
Chen, J., Foung, D., & Armatas, C. (2018). Adopting Learning Analytics to Enrich Regular Curriculum Review and Enhancement: A Case Study of a University English Programme in Asia. In A. Pardo, K. Bartimote, G. Lynch, S. Buckingham Shum, R. Ferguson, A. Merceron & X. Ochoa (Eds.), Companion Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Sydney, Australia: Society for Learning Analytics Research.
Cheng, G., Chen, J., Foung, D., Lam, V., & Tom, M. (2018). Towards automatic classification of teacher feedback on student writing. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 8(5), 342-346.
Cheng, G., Chwo, S.-M. G., Chen, J., Foung, D., Lam, V., & Tom, M. (2017). Automatic classification of teacher feedback and its potential applications for EFL writing. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2017) (pp. 884-889). New Zealand.
Armatas, C., Tse, A., Chow, J., Foung, D., Chen, J., & Chan, C.S. (2017). Exploring the relationship between the time of completing online quizzes and students' performance in academic writing. EduLearn17 Proceedings, 5306-5311.
Chen, J., Chau, J., Lim, G. & Li, V. (2016). Online language learning to develop English reading and listening skills in university students: A pilot study in Hong Kong. International Journal for 21st Century Education, 1, 1, pp. 35-54.
Lughmani, S., Gardner, S., Chen, J., Wong, H., & Chan, L. (2016). English across the curriculum: Fostering collaboration. ELTWO: Special Issue on 5th CELC Symposium Proceedings.
Chen, J. (2013). New direction in university English language training: Blended delivery. In Ji, P.Y. & Fan, Y. (Eds.), New Directions in TESOL (pp. 86-103). Shanghai: Fudan University Press.
Chan, F. & Chen, J. (2012). Impacts of alignment between ESP and content subjects on biomedical engineering students. Asian ESP Journal, 8(2), 27-54.
Chau, J., Wu, W., Chen, J., & Lughmani, S. (2012). ESL readers' comprehension performance: the Chinese secondary context. ELT Journal; doi: 10.1093/elt/ccr088.
Chen, J. (2011). From reactive to proactive: Handling student plagiarism in higher education. Higher Education Quality Assurance. (pp. 240-251).
Chan, F., Chen, J., Fung, F., Cheung, A. and Wong, M.S. (2010). Does inter-departmental curricular partnership help achieve biomedical engineering-specific language learning? RELC Anthology Series 52, pp. 190-217.
Chen, J. (2002). Commander and serviceman: The story of Kim. In P. Benson & D. Nunan (Eds.), Special Edition of the Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(2), 73-90.
Hamp-Lyons, L. and Chen, J. (2001). An investigation into the effectiveness of teacher feedback on student writing. In Kember, D., Candlin, S. & Yan, L. (Eds.), Further case studies of improving teaching and learning from the Action Learning Project. Hong Kong: Action Learning Project.
Hamp-Lyons, L., Chen, J. & Mok, J. (2001). Introducing innovation incrementally: Teacher feedback on writing. Thai TESOL Bulletin, 14(2), 59-66.
Chen, J. (1997). Issues in the Teaching of Writing in Hong Kong. HKPU Working Papers in ELT & Applied Linguistics, 2(1), 29-38.
Invited Talks, Panels and Moderations
Chen, J. (2024, December 17). Use of GenAI in teaching, learning and assessment. School of Hotel and Tourism Management Winter Retreat. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2024, December 9). Philosophical and practical considerations of GenAI-driven assessment redesign: A first discussion in the BANI context. [Featured Presentation]. ReGAIN Conference: Redesigning Assessment amidst Generative Artificial Intelligence. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chen, J., Choi, J. N., & Yeung, P. H. S. (2024, December 9). Rethinking assessment in the age of Generative AI. [Panel Discussion]. ReGAIN Conference: Redesigning Assessment amidst Generative Artificial Intelligence. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2024, November 22). GenAI and education: Current practices and longer-term planning. [Invited talk]. 2nd AI and Education Forum. Artificial Intelligence Research and Education Alliance, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chen, J., Chon, L.,. Lo, D., & Zhou, L. (2024, November 1). Impact and application of Generative AI in higher education. [Invited pre-conference workshop]. China Higher Education Development (CHED) Network Annual Conference 2024. Southeast University, Nanjing.
Chen, J., Chon, L., & Lo, D. (2024, October 9). Effects of GenAI on the design and practice of university assessment. [Invited talk]. University of Jinan, Jinan.
Chen, J. (2024, September 24). Redesigning assessment for authentic learning: Engaging GenAI and students and staying relevant. [Invited presentation]. Turnitin Forum: Elevating Learning and Teaching, The Synergy of AI and Assessment. Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2024, August 20). AIHEi Social Experiment: Reimagining Higher Education with AI. [Invited presentation]. Global Smart Education Conference 2024. Beijing Normal University, Beijing.
Chen, J. (2024, August 20). Forum on AI-driven Innovation in Higher Education. [Invited panel moderator]. Global Smart Education Conference 2024. Beijing Normal University, Beijing.
Chen, J. (2024, July 29). What is learning? How to plan education for learning? [Invited presentation]. Webinar for Saudi Arabia NEOM University Senior Academic Leadership Team.
Chen, J. (2024, July 3). Authentic learning practices: Addressing misinformation in the age of ChatGPT. [Invited panel]. Times Higher Education Digital Universities Asia 2024. Bali, Indonesia. https://www.timeshighered-events.com/digital-universities-asia-2024/agenda/session/1306686
Chen, J. (2024, June 24). Exemplary student support practices, challenges, partnership and synergy. [Invited panel moderator]. Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance Symposium 2024. Kowloon Shangri-la Hotel, Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2024, June 19). AI in education. [Invited discussion]. Educational Expo and Book Launch. The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2024, June 12). 大學如何借助人工智能技術改善教學質量? [Invited presentation]. 人工智能賦能行業發展研討會暨「華知大模型」香港路演. 同方知網數字出版技術股份有限公司 CNKI. Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2024, April 26). Education development: Scope and inter-institution projects. [Invited presentation]. Education Exchange. City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2024, April 20). Transforming assessment in the age of GenAI for future-ready graduates. [Keynote]. CPCECPR Conference 2024: Transforming Education to Build a Future-Ready Workforce. CPCE Centre for Pedagogic Research, Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2023, December 13). Generative AI and education: Challenges and opportunities. [Keynote]. HK EdCity 13th Learning & Teaching Expo 2023. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2023, December 8). The practice of university teacher development in the era of artificial intelligence. [Keynote]. 2023 Symposium on Teaching Development of University Faculty. Tsinghua University, Beijing, PRC.
Chen, J. (2023, December 6). Collaboration with discipline teachers, education technologists and students: Win-win partnerships. [Invited presentation]. English Medium Instruction (EMI) Symposium 2023: Fostering Collaboration, University of Hong Kong. https://crlpp.edu.hku.hk/events/pastseminars/emi-symposium-2023/
Chen, J. (2023, November 3). Generative AI and the way forward for higher education: Immediate and longer-term considerations. [Invited talk.] Beijing Forum, Beijing, PRC.
Chen, J., Chon, L., Lo, D., & Zhou, L. (2023, October 20). Assessment redesign in the age of Generative AI. [Invited pre-conference workshop]. China Higher Education Development (CHED) Network Annual Conference 2023, Jiangnan University. http://ched2023xw.cn/
Chen, J., Chan, C.S., & Chon, L. (2023, August 28). Challenges and opportunities of GenAI in higher education. [Invited staff development talk]. College of Professional and Continuing Education, Division of Social Sciences, Humanities and Design, Hong Kong.
Chen, J., Chan, C.S., & Chon, L. (2023, August 18). Leveraging Generative AI in outcome-based higher education. [Invited staff development talk]. Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
Tong, R., Pardos, Z., Kuo, B-C., Heffernan, N., Chen, J., Fan, D. & Almoubayyed, H. (2023, July 7). Navigating the future: Large language models, intelligent education, and the intersection of industry and education institutions. [Panel.] 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Tokyo and hybrid.
Chen, J., Chan, C. S., & Tse, A. (2023, July 3). Proactive development of learning analytics for quality enhancement: The case of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. [Plenary.] Symposium on Teaching Evaluation and Consultation in Higher Education 2023, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, PRC.
Chen, J. (2023, June 15). Directions for English Across the Curriculum: Lessons from WAC [Keynote address.] The 16th International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Clemson University, USA. https://pearce.caah.clemson.edu/iwac-2023/program/keynotes/
Chen, J., & Zhou, L. (2023, June 9). The impact of generative AI on university teaching and teacher training: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s educational development strategy. [Invited recorded presentation.] Academic Seminar on the High-Quality Development of the New Teacher Education in the Greater Bay Area with the Assistance of Artificial Intelligence. South China Normal University, China.
Chen, J., Lim, G., Chan, C., Man, V., & Tsang, E. (2023, May 9). English Across the Curriculum. [Invited presentation.] UGC Teaching Ambassador Series, the Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance. https://hktea.edu.hk/index.php/ugc-teaching-ambassadors-series-dr-julia-chen-2022-collaborative-team/
Chen, J., & Zhou, L. (2023, April 1). The impact of the pandemic on educational development centres: Challenges, adaptation and development [Invited talk.] Fudan forum: Dialogue with global Chinese on teaching and teacher development. Fudan University, China, and online.
Chen, J., Lim, G., Chan, C., Man, V., & Tsang, E. (2022, December 12). Implementing English Across the Curriculum: Opportunities and challenges. [Invited talk]. The Education University of Hong Kong. https://www.lttc.eduhk.hk/news-and-events/events/20221212-1/
Chen, J., Zhou, L., Ho, A., Xu, M., Chan, C. S., & Tse, A. (2022, November 11). Digital transformation in higher education: Injecting new vigor into learning, teaching, assessment and evaluation. [Invited pre-conference workshop]. China Higher Education Development (CHED) Network Annual Conference 2022, Peking University and online. https://ched2022.pku.edu.cn/
Chen, J. (2022, October 26-27). Blended learning in action: Design & research for increased student engagement [Plenary talk]. The International Conference on English Language and Teaching (ICOELT), FBS Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia and online. http://icoelt.fbs.unp.ac.id/
Chen, J. (2022, May 30-31).Curriculum innovations for interdisciplinary English language learning [Keynote address]. 6th CELC Symposium, National University of Singapore. https://uvents.nus.edu.sg/event/celc6esymp
Chen, J. (2021, November 9-11).The strategic use of technology to optimize the blended learning experience [Invited Panel]. EDUtech Asia 2021, online. https://www.asiaresearchnews.com/content/edutech-asia-2021
Chen, J. (2021 April 30).Nurturing workplace skills and professional competence via programme curriculum design and implementation [Discussant]. CPCE Centre for Pedagogic Research Opening Ceremony cum Seminar, College of Professional and Continuing Education, Hong Kong. https://cpr.cpce-polyu.edu.hk/past-event-opening-ceremony/
Chen, J., & Zhou, L. (2018, October 12-14). LMS review: Experience sharing from Hong Kong PolyU [Invited presentation]. The Chinese Higher Education Development Network Annual Conference 2018, Xi’an, China.
Event: Staff Development Workshop, King’s College London, 9 July 2018
Title of my talk: A Hong Kong model of enhancing students’ communication skills in the discipline: Needs, affordances and challenges
Event: Learning and Teaching @EdUHK Festival 2018, Education University of Hong Kong, 25 May 2018
Title of my talk: Using a mobile app to help students with the English for their final year project
Event: Excellent Teachers for Teaching Excellence Symposium, PolyU, 11 December 2017
Title of the panel discussion: How do current best practices help us shape the future learning and teaching in higher education
Title of my talk: Professional development in enhancing English across the curriculum
Event: Research Design and Scientific Article Writing Workshop, Sun Yet-Sen University, 21-23 April 2017
Title of my talk: Research writing for rehabilitation
Event: Teaching and Learning: Building Academic Discipline in Higher Education Forum (Co-organised by Sichuan University Pittsburgh Institute & BlackBoard China), 12 November 2016, Chengdu, Sichuan
Title of my talk: Enhancement of students’ learning in higher education: Sharing Hong Kong PolyU’s experiences
Event: Japan Association for College English Teaching 43rd Summer Seminar, Kyoto University, 18-19 August 2016
Title of my talk 1: EAP curriculum development and innovation
Title of my talk 2: EAP curriculum evaluation & English across the curriculum
Event: International Symposium on English for Academic Purposes, Kyoto University, 17 August 2016
Title of my talk: Teaching academic writing in Hong Kong: The case of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Event: Staff Development Workshop, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong, 20 May 2016
Title of my talk: Writing your paper clearly and accurately
Event: Special staff event, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong, 21 March 2016
Title of my talk: Improving Students’ English Performance in Content Subjects
Event: Staff Development Workshop, The Hong Kong Baptist University, 13 April 2015
Title of my talk: 4yc English Language Curriculum in PolyU: downs and ups
Event: Staff Development Workshop, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA, 13 November 2014
Title of my talk: English Across the Curriculum in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Event: Staff Development Workshop, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 10 October 2014
Title of my talk: Review of the 4-Year Curriculum and elearning
Conference Presentations (since 2012)
Chan, C., Lai, P., & Chen, J. (2024, December 4). Rubric-driven teaching and learning enhancement using hybrid intelligence. The 4th International English Across the Curriculum Conference. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Sze, W., & Chen, J. (2024, December 4). Evaluating English learning gains and experiences among tertiary students in a blended learning environment. The 4th International English Across the Curriculum Conference. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Lai, P. & Chen, J. (2024, December 2-4). AI-assisted virtual presentation skills training. [Poster presentation]. The 4th International English Across the Curriculum Conference. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Chen, J., Lo, D., & Chon, L. (2024, September). Redesigning and implementing GenAI-expected assessment: Effective features, good practices and teacher development. Presented at UNESCO Digital Learning Week 2024. Paris UNESCO Headquarters, France.
Lai, P., & Chen, J. (2024, June). AI-assisted presentation skills training. Poster presentation at the Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance Symposium 2024. Kowloon Shangri-la Hotel, Hong Kong.
Chen, J., & Zhou, L. (2021, October). From survival to adaptation: A comparison of results from a two-year study on perception of learning and teaching at PolyU. Presented at the Chinese Higher Education Development Network Annual Conference. Shandong, China/online.
Chen, J., Zhou, L., Chan, K. & Chon, L. (2021, July). From Survival to Adaptation: A comparison of results from a two-year study on perception of learning and teaching at PolyU. Colloquium presented at Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021. Virtual Conference.
Chen, J., Chan, C., Man, V., Tsang, E., Davis, C. & Luk, G. (2021, May). The appeals and challenges of developing a discipline-related writing support mobile app. Colloquium presented at the 3rd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University/online.
Chen, J., Yap, V. & Yip, T. L. (2021, May). Business students’ perceptions of using a capstone project mobile application. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University/online.
Chen, J., Lim, G., Lai, J., Chan, C., Ng, A., Davis, C., Tsang, E., & Man, V. (2021, May). English Across the Curriculum: a 5-university story. Colloquium presented at the 3rd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University/online.
Chen, J., & Zhou, L. (2020, October). Quality assurance of learning and teaching during COVID-19. Presented at the Chinese Higher Education Development Network Annual Conference. Virtual Conference.
Foung, D. & Chen, J. (2020, June). An innovative data-driven approach to studying writing progression in EAP: A case study in Hong Kong. Paper presented at The 17th Symposium on Second Language Writing.
Chen, J. & Foung, D. (2019, December). Analytics enriched QA for learning assessment. 2019 QS Reimagine Conference. QEII Centre, London, UK.
Chik, P., Chen, J., & Xu, M. (2019, September). Outcome based education and quality enhancement of university teaching: Experience sharing by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Presented at the Chinese Higher Education Development Network Annual Conference. Changchun, China.
Chen, J., Chan, C., & Ng, A. (2019, June). English Across the Curriculum: Three journeys of synergy across disciplines and universities. 17th Asia TEFL International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Chen, J. & Foung, D. (2019, June). Informing EAP teaching and learning with big data analytics. 2nd CPD Symposium 2019, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Lim, G., Chen, J., & Cheung, A. (2019, June). What leads to successful collaboration between faculty and English teacher? 17th Asia TEFL International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Lin, L. H. F., & Chen, J. (2019, June). Use of ergative verbs in the academic writing by Chinese learners of English: a corpus-based approach. 2nd International Conference on Language, Education and Culture, Istanbul, Turkey.
Chen, J., Chan, C., Man, V., Tong, K. & Lai, J. (2018, December). Helping students from different disciplines with final year/capstone project: Supervisors’ and students’ needs and requests. Colloquium at the 2nd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Lim, G., Chen, J., Robbins, J. & Yap, V. (2018, December). Can a mobile app help students write better final year project proposals? Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2018, August). Developing English across the Curriculum for L2 learners in a complex linguistics environment. Paper presented at 17th Symposium on Second Language Writing, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
Foung, D. & Chen, J. (2018, August). A mixed-method learning analytics study on the impact of L2 writing performance under the ability-grouping policy in higher education. Paper presented at 17th Symposium on Second Language Writing, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
Chen, J., Ng., A., & Chan, C. (2018, June). Connecting students, faculty and English teachers via a new final year capstone project mobile app. Paper presented at International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Auburn University, Alabama, USA.
Chen, J., Davis, C., Tsang, E., Man, V., & Chan, C. (2018, May). English across the curriculum: Helping students with their capstone project. Paper presented at Continuing Professional Development Symposium, PolyU, Hong Kong.
Chen, J., Lin, L., Foung, D., & Nixon, C. (2018, May). Curriculum review beyond regular QA: PolyU’s Language & Curriculum Requirement. Paper presented at Continuing Professional Development Symposium, PolyU, Hong Kong.
Chen, J., Foung, D. & Armatas, C. (2018, March). Adopting learning analytics to enrich regular curriculum review and enhancement: A case study of a university English programme in Asia. Paper presented at 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, Sydney, Australia.
Chen, J., & Zhou, L. (2017, July). New approaches towards educational development. Presented in Chinese Higher Education Development Network Annual Conference 2017, Shanghai.
Foung, D. & Chen, J. (2017, July). How Rasch analysis enriches academic analytics: a case study of a university English course. Paper presented at International Conference on Open and Innovative Education (ICOIE) 2017, Open University Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chen, J. & Foung, D. (2017 June). Does streaming work? A quantitative study of university EAP subjects. Paper presented at Faces of English 2: Teaching and Researching Academic and Professional English, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2016, June). The relational nature of WAC: a boundary object to bridge across disciplines and differences. Paper presented at IWAC 2016, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.
Chen, J. (2015, December). Developing academic literacy in context: Strategies, limitations and preliminary results. Paper presented at International Conference on the Development of English Across the Curriculum, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Chen, J., Costley, T., Lai, J., Fitzpatrick, D., Tong, K., & Lim, G. (2015, June). Professional development in enhancing English across the curriculum. Colloquium presented at Faces of English: Theory, Practice and Pedagogy, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Lughmani, S. D., Gardner, S., Chen, J., Wong, H. & Chan, L. (2015, May). English across the curriculum: Fostering collaboration. Invited colloquium presented at CELC Symposium, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Chen, J. & Tong, E. (2014, June). Supporting student learning through an ‘English-across-the-curriculum’ approach. Paper presented at International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference 2014, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
Chen, J. Yiu, R., Lim, G., & Cheung, A. (2014, May). Interdepartmental collaboration: Writing in the Disciplines. Paper presented at ELTU Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2014, May). Review of the New 4yc English Language Curriculum: Working within Institutional Guidelines, Suggestions & Restrictions. Paper presented at ELTU Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2013, May). Students’ perceptions and experiences of ‘hybrid’ assessments. Paper presented at Alternative Pedagogies in the English Language & Communication Classroom, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Chen, J., Chau, J., Wu, W., Chigaeva, S., Lughmani, D., Robbins, J., & Evans, J. (2012, June). The secondary-tertiary interface: Language training for the new cohort. Paper presented at Research into Practice in the Four-year Curriculum Symposium, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chen, J. (2012, February). New direction in university English language training: Blended delivery. Paper presented at New Directions in TESOL, a biannual Sydney U-Fudan U conference, Fudan University, Shanghai, PRC.
Funded Research/Teaching Development Projects
Ongoing Projects
Exemplary learning, teaching and assessment practices in UGC-funded institutions in the age of GenAI (ELTA G-AI) [FITE-IICA]
Exploring new multimodal genres beyond academic literacies [UGC Teaching Award Grant]
Rubrics-driven teaching and learning enhancement using hybrid intelligence [TDG]
Technology-enabled English Across the Curriculum [TDG]
Developing an automated writing evaluation system for Chinese learners around the world [TDG]
Completed Projects
AI-assisted virtual presentation skills training
Language enhancement for Capstone Projects Using Interactive Apps
Developing a PolyU-Stanford adaptive learning online platform for English and exploratory adaptive assessment for Science subjects
English Across the Curriculum
Identifying at-risk students with course diagnostic reports
How students handle blended learning tasks – A case study of an advanced university English course
Exploring the language needs and ability of SYA students
Interactive online English activities and game-mediated app for independent language learning
Towards automatic tracking of student responses to teacher feedback in draft revision
Development of an Institutional-wide e-Learning Platform with Diagnostic e-Assessment and e-Learning Packages using Learn@PolyU to Enhance Entry Students’ Underpinning Skills and Knowledge
Academic support for senior year students
Community of Practice (CoP) Project: Enhancing Students’ English Abilities
Professional Development in Enhancing English across the Curriculum
Overseas Scholarship Scheme Implementation Project
Evaluation of GUR in 4 Year Curriculum
Professional Interests
Leveraging technology for learning, teaching and assessment
English Across the Curriculum
Learning analytics
Teacher training
Membership on International Boards
- WAC Clearinghouse Publications Review Board
- Editorial Review Board of the book series International Exchanges on the Study of Writing
- Editorial Review Board, International Journal of EAP
- Editorial Board, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, SoTL, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Membership on Professional Associations
- Advisory Committee for the International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference 2025
- China Higher Education Development Network, Executive Council Member
- The Japan Association of College English, Honorary Member
- University English Curriculum Steering Committee for Guangdong Province, Member
- Advisory Committee for the International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference 2020
- International Advisory Committee, Center for Excellent Teaching and Learning, Peking University, Member