Exploring the Innovative Use of iBeacon Technology for Technology-enhanced Active Learning at PolyU

Facilitators: Roy Kam (EDC), Dr Charles Wong (LSGI), Coco Kwok (LSGI), Guanjing Xiong (LSGI)

Date: 01 June 2017

Time: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Venue: TU411

In the field of Geomatics and Land Surveying, using iBeacon Technology, an example of Bluetooth Low Energy Tag (BLE Tag), for indoor positioning as a part of Location-based Service has received much attention in recent years. This Technology has been further extended to other sectors to realize the opportunities it provides – for example, offering coupons and/or disseminating advertisements to customers in shopping malls; offering information and/or guidance to visitors based on their locations in museums and many others.

So, what if this Technology is implemented in the field of teaching and learning in our University to seek the opportunities it provides?

Come to this session jointly offered by LSGI and EDC colleagues to keep abreast of what has been prototypically done for iBeacon Technology in teaching and learning at PolyU and how the Technology is piloted in LSGI classes. More than sufficient opportunities will also be given to co-explore with you what this Technology can meaningfully afford to and how it can be used for technology-enhanced active learning across disciplines.