Feature Story
Creativity beyond the classroom fosters social change

Inspiring activism

Following the "Festival Reception" at the Innovation Tower on 10 October, the spotlight then focused on the opening plenary of the two-day “GREAT small: Gender Design Conference”. Comprising insightful keynote presentations, lively discussions and inspiring workshops, the conference enabled participants to critically examine the role of gender in design research, thinking, professional practice and public reception.

A highlight on 11 October was the lecture entitled "Social Innovation, Education, and the Future of Work", delivered by J.C.DISI’s second Thinker, Chan Koon-chung, and based on his monograph Living Out the Contradiction of Our Time. Mr Chan elaborated on important themes in the book, exploring the types of education and social innovation that will allow the next generation to adapt to their futures.

In a similar vein, the “Dean’s Salon” hosted by Prof. Cees de Bont, Dean of the School of Design and Swire Chair Professor of Design, on 13 October provided a forum in which postgraduate students shared the fruits and challenges of their research related to design for society. The same day featured the “Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge Campus Roadshow” at Chan Sui Kau and Chan Lam Moon Chun Square, which was designed to inspire young people to change society through social entrepreneurship. This was followed up on 17 October by the “Social Enterprise Clinic” at Innovation Tower, providing a series of sessions designed to give business prognoses for social enterprises.