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高中Python程式設計比賽 (Senior Secondary Python Programming Contest)

Python Contest 2024_Banner v2


Organised by the Department of Computing at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Senior Secondary Python Programming Contest ("Contest") aims to foster the spirit of learning programming and enhancing the ability to solve problems efficiently. By engaging in the process of program development, students will accumulate a sense of satisfaction when they successfully overcome challenges, which will fuel their motivation to pursue further growth and development.

為甚麼要報名?Why Should You Enrol?
  • 體驗大學課堂和學習生活
    Experience university lectures and life
  • 學習進階知識和技能
    Acquire advanced knowledge and skills
  • 將來如報讀理大電子計算學系之本科課程,有機會在入學計分時獲得加分
    Benefit from advantageous admission conditions if you aspire to pursue undergraduate programmes offered by the Department of Computing at PolyU.
  • 贏得豐厚獎品
    Win attractive prizes
參加資格 Eligibility

Current Form 4 or 5 local students or students with equivalent qualifications.

名額 Quota


(注:參加者必須以三人一組團隊形式並透過學校報名,隊員需來自同一間學校但不需就讀相同級別。每隊需有一位成員擔任隊長,負責提交答案。)Remark: Participants must form a team of three members and apply through their secondary school. Team members should come from the same school but are not necessarily in the same year of study. Each team must have one team leader who will be responsible for solution submission.)

報名費用 Application Fee

全免 Free


條款 Terms and Conditions

高中Python程式設計比賽(「比賽」)的內容如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。如有任何爭議,香港理工大學電子計算學系將保留最終決定權和採取法律行動的權利。若有關本比賽之中英文版本資料有差異之處,以英文版本為準。版權所有 © 2024 香港理工大學電子計算學系。

The content of the Senior Secondary Python Programming Contest (“contest”)  may be subject to change without notice. In case of any dispute, Department of Computing and PolyU reserve the right of final decision and the right to take legal action. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between English and Chinese version of the information about this contest, the English version shall prevail. Copyright © 2024 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of Computing.

主辦方會為沒有編程經驗的學生提供專門培訓,課程會重點教授基礎程式設計技巧,但不會介紹完整的Python功能,當中學習到的技巧能助他們應付符合一般中學水平的程式設計問題。目前正在修讀 資訊及通訊科技 單元D (基本程式編寫概念)的學生或無需參加第一和第二節培訓課程。

We will offer a Python programming language training course tailored for students who have little to no previous programming experience. It will be a crash course that focuses on teaching fundamental programming skills instead of covering the full set of Python's features. The skills taught will be geared towards solving "not-too-hard" programming problems that are suitable for secondary school students. Students who are currently enrolled in the DSE ICT Unit D (Basic Programming Concepts) may not need to participate in the 1st and 2nd training sessions.

培訓內容 Training Content:

第一節(選修)1st Session (Optional)

  • Printing information
  • Expressions and sequential execution
  • Conditionals and branching
  • Loops and iteration

第二節(選修)2nd Session (Optional)

  • Function definition and usage
  • Sequences and lists
  • Strings
  • Data types

第三節(必修)3rd Session (Compulsory)

  • Program testing
  • Common data structures
  • Problem-solving skills: examples and applications
  • Familiarising with program submission

主辨方有權修改培訓內容,恕不另行通知。The organiser reserves the right to make changes in the training content without prior notification.


詳情 Details

Training Period and Time

第一節 1st Session :

202474日(星期四)/ 4 July 2024 (Thu); 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm

第二節 2nd Session :

202475日(星期五)/ 5 July 2024 (Fri) ; 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm

第三節 3rd Session :

202476日(星期六)/ 6 July 2024 (Sat); 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

節數 Session

3 sessions in total; 3 hours each

上課地點 Venue

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

形式 Mode


培訓內容 Content

Lectures, in-class practices

出席率 Attendance

如要獲得取錄額外加分,參加者必須出席i) 第三節培訓課 ii) 比賽,詳情請參閱「獎項」頁面。
Only participants who attended i) the 3rd training session and ii) the contest will be eligible to enjoy the arrangement of bonus points for admission in the future. Details are available in the “Award” section.


比賽的形式參考了世界知名編程大賽 ── 國際大學生程式設計競賽,比賽將以團隊形式進行,每個隊伍由三名成員組成。參賽隊伍需要在三小時的時間限制內,利用一台共享電腦從零開始設計Python程式以解決一連串程式設計問題。這個比賽不僅考驗參賽者解決問題的能力,還會挑戰了他們的團隊合作和協作技巧。


The format of this contest draws inspiration from the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC), a renowned annual global programming competition for university students. The contest will be conducted in a team-based format, with each team comprising three members. Participating teams will be required to solve a series of programming problems by developing Python programs from scratch within a 3-hour time limit, using a single shared computer. The contest challenges participants' not only problem-solving abilities but also their teamwork and collaboration skills.

For the sake of fairness, the programming problems will be announced at the beginning of the contest. Participating teams will be given the same duration to solve the problems, and they must stay until the end of the contest. Otherwise, the team will lose eligibility if they leave early. To prevent rule violations and cheating, the contest will be held face-to-face at the PolyU campus with strict monitoring. Participants should also observe the university-wide regulations and rules governing academic integrity.

流程 Rundown

日期 Date: 202476日(星期六)/ 6 July 2024 (Sat)


時間 Time

時長 Duration

報到 Registration

1:00 – 1:30 pm

30 分鐘 30 mins

預備 Preparation

1:30 – 2:00 pm

30 分鐘 30 mins

比賽 Contest

2:00 – 5:00 pm

3 小時 hours

休息時間 Break Time
提供茶點 Refreshments will be served

5:00 – 5:30 pm

30 分鐘mins

公布結果 Result Announcement

5:30 – 6:00 pm

30 分鐘mins


比賽評核準則 Judging Criteria


The scoring for the contest will be handled by the DomJudge system, an open-source software. However, a manual final check will be conducted by the organisers after the contest to ensure accuracy. The factors that determined the scoring include:

  • 答案準確度 The correctness of the submission
  • 累計解題時間 The time consumed to solve the problems
  • 錯誤答案罰分 Penalties for incorrect submissions


The top six teams that solve the highest number of problems will be the winners. In the event of teams solving an equal number of problems, the total accumulated time to solve the problems, along with penalties for incorrect submissions, will serve as the tiebreaker.


比賽結果 Final Result

The final result will be announced on the contest day. Winning teams will receive official letters from the organiser after the contest.

Award and Certificate of Merit

All the winning teams will receive cash prizes and certificates of merit. Awards and cash prizes will be presented on a team basis, while the certificate will be issued on an individual basis.

獎項 Award

獎金 Cash Prize

名額 Place

冠軍 Champion

HK$ 12,000


亞軍 1st Runner up

HK$ 6,000


季軍 2nd Runner up

HK$ 3,000


優異獎 Distinction Award

HK$ 1,000


Remark: Only team members who attend the contest will receive the certificates.

取錄額外加分 Favourable Admission Conditions

The members of the winning teams will have a chance to enjoy favourable admission conditions when they apply for the undergraduate programmes offered by the Department of Computing in the future. Details will be provided to the awardees in due course after the contest.

  • 如要獲得取錄額外加分,參加者必須出席i) 第三節培訓課 ii) 比賽
    Only participants who attended the i) 3rd session of training and ii) the contest will be eligible to enjoy the arrangement of bonus points for admission in the future.

  • 如要行使加分資格,參加者在將來選報「大學聯招辦法」(JUPAS)時,必須把理大電子計算學系提供之本科課程排列於組別A的優先次序。
    To exercise bonus points for admission, the participants must place the undergraduate programmes offered by Department of Computing of PolyU in Band A choice in the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) application.
報名方法 Application


Participants must apply for this contest through their secondary schools; Individual applications will not be accepted. Participants must form a team of three members, and team members should come from the same school but are not necessarily in the same year of study. Each secondary school can nominate up to two teams and should prioritise the teams during application. The organiser will decide on the successful teams according to the number of applicants.


入選程序 Selection Procedure


The first 25 places will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis, and the first team of the nomination will be admitted. The subsequent 10 places will be selected by a school-based random draw. The first team of the nomination will be admitted. If there are places left after the first round of admission, the second team of the nomination will be admitted to fill up the remaining places by a school-based random draw, and so forth.


網上報名表格 Online Application Form

立即報名 Apply Now

報名表格應由獲校方授權之代表人填寫及提交此申請表格。如有需要,可按此處下載代表人簽署及正式校印收集表格, 並在「代表人簽署」及「正式校印」兩欄上載同一份收集表格即可。

The form should be submitted by the authorised representative of the applicant school. If necessary, you may click here to download the Signature of Authorised Representative and School Stamp Collection Form, and upload the same collection form in the sections of "Signature of the authorised representative" and "Official School Stamp" Below.



日期 Date
時間 Time
截止報名  Application Deadline  2024年5月31日 (星期五)
31 May 2024 (Fri)
 11:59 pm
計劃取錄結果 Application Result 2024年6月14日 (星期五)
14 June 2024 (Fri)
培訓 – 第一節(選修)
Training – 1st session (Optional)
2024年7月4日 (星期四)
4 July 2024 (Thu)
2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
培訓  – 第二節(選修)
Training – 2nd session (Optional)
2024年7月5日 (星期五)
5 July 2024 (Fri)
2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
培訓  – 第三節(必修)
Training – 3rd session (Compulsory)
2024年7月6日 (星期六)
6 July 2024 (Sat)
 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
 比賽 Contest 2024年7月6日 (星期六)
6 July 2024 (Sat)
 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
 公布比賽結果 Announcement of Contest Result 2024年7月6日 (星期六)
6 July 2024 (Sat)
After the contest



This contest only accepts Form 4 or 5 local students or local students with equivalent qualifications.


No, members must come from the same secondary schools, but they can be in different years of study.


Each team must consist of three members when submitting the application. If more than one team is nominated, each student can join one team only.


If you need to change the information for your team, you must email your request to the organiser. The receipt of your request is confirmed upon the organiser reverting your email, and it requires at least 10 working days to process. Therefore, you should raise your request as soon as possible to avoid affecting the final selection result.

Python language must be used to solve the programming problems in this contest.

Cantonese will be the primary medium of instruction. However, lecturers may supplement with English in lectures.

Only participants who attend the 3rd training session and the contest will be eligible for the arrangement of bonus points for future admission. For participants without prior programming experience, attending the 1st and 2nd training sessions will equip them with the necessary skills to solve the problems in the contest.

Please report to the organiser immediately. The organiser will investigate and follow up as soon as possible.


All activities will be postponed when Pre-No.8 Special Announcement, Typhoon Signal No.8 or above, “Extreme Condition” Announcement, or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal are issued/ hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory before activities start. Make-up classes or the contest may be arranged on other days. When a Pre-No.8 Special Announcement, Typhoon Signal No.8 or above, or “Extreme Condition” Announcement are issued during activities, all activities will immediately be suspended, and make-up classes or the contest may be arranged on other days. If the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued in session, all activities should continue until the end of the session, and if it is the end of the activities where Black Rainstorm Warning is still in force, participants should be advised to return home only when conditions are safe. All activities will operate as normal under Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3, or Amber and Red Rainstorm Warning.


聯絡我們 Contact Us

Department of Computing

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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