Portfolio Submission
Applicants are required to submit a portfolio before the application deadline to showcase their original work. The portfolio should demonstrate the applicant's design abilities through a curated selection and clear presentation of their work in 2D format. The portfolio may include a range of media such as drawing, painting, sketching, design, photography, or other visual and graphic disciplines that reflect the applicant's creative interests and skills. Any 3D objects, such as physical models, should be represented in the portfolio using 2D documentation (e.g., photographs, renderings, or sketches) instead of submitting the physical items. The portfolio should be a concise, well-organised collection not exceeding A4 size (portrait or landscape) and 12 pages in PDF format, including the cover page and table of contents. The minimum resolution is 72 dpi, and the file size must not exceed 25 MB.
Portfolio Details
Applicants with a strong interest in architecture and should demonstrate both creative and technical skills in three-dimensional thinking and basic understanding of what architectural design is.
Types of work expected:
Two-dimensional works
- Collage
- Drawing / Illustration / Painting / Sketching
- Photography
- Storyboard
- Visual Diary
Three-dimensional works (Photographed)
- Any forms of 3-dimensional creative work
- Installation
- Mixed media
- Model / Prototype
- Sculpture
Multimedia (with links / QR code)
- Apps / website
- Animation / Video
- Demonstration on work
- Digital technology work (e.g. BIM, CAD, Gen AI)
Related elective subjects:
- Visual arts
- Design and Applied Technology
- Art and Design related
Related Applied Learning (ApL) courses*:
Creative Studies (e.g. Design, Music Production, Dance, Drama)
Media and Communication (e.g. Film and Transmedia, PR and Multimedia Communication)
*Applied Learning (ApL) courses are elective subjects within the senior secondary curriculum in HKDSE. For non-HKDSE applicants, please refer to the types of work as a reference.