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Doctor of International Real Estate and Construction

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Entrance Year Sept 2025

Programme Code 32109

Stream Code


Mode of Study Part-time

Normal Duration

3 years

Fund Type Self-Financed

Credits Required for Graduation

Total: 52 credits, including:

51 credits of programme’s compulsory subjects

No tuition fee is required for the 1 credit of Academic Integrity and Ethics subject (University’s requirement)

Initial Registration Credits


Local Application Deadline 30 Apr 2025 * Early Round Application Deadline: 2024-11-21; Main Round Application Deadline: 2025-04-30

Non-Local Application Deadline 30 Apr 2025 * Early Round Application Deadline: 2024-11-21; Main Round Application Deadline: 2025-04-30

Tuition Fees

HK$9,300 per credit for local and non-local students

(except for the 1-credit bearing Academic Integrity and Ethics subject for which credit fee will not be charged)

Programme Leader(s)

Cr Prof. Daniel W.M. Chan
Associate Professor in Construction Project Management
BEng(Hons), PhD(HKU), MAPM, MHKICM, MASCE, MHKIPM, MAIPM, MCABE, MAIB, Chartered Building Engineer (UK), Registered Construction Manager (HK)

Aims and Characteristics

Programme Aims  

The Doctor of International Real Estate and Construction programme is designed for senior executives with more than 8 years of experience in the construction and real estate industry, who thus possess the core knowledge and basic competence needed to fulfil their duties. Many of them have already attained a significant knowledge base. We help these professionals to build new ideas, develop positive values and attitudes, and upscale their capabilities for self-fulfilment and career advancement. It aims to provide a genuinely innovative professional development experience to enrich executives' theoretical and technical knowledge, develop their management and leadership skills, and equip them with the right mindset to fulfil senior or top management roles in the modern construction and real estate finance market. 


The programme aims relating to personal and professional achievement are as follows:

  1. to enrich participants’ theoretical and technical knowledge for top level advancement in the construction and real estate industry;

  2. to develop participants’ management and leadership skills; and

  3. to equip participants with applicable alternative perspectives to address competition in the modern construction and real estate market.


Students are provided with the most advanced knowledge of the operation of the construction and real estate markets, including strategic construction project management, the application of information and digital technologies in the construction and real estate industry, urban economics processes, urban and regional planning, price determination for land and real estate, environmental issues and other relevant professional issues. Due to the complex influence of public policy development and the global economic environment, this programme will support the students with comprehensive thinking and analysis methods.

Unique Features


Be the first-ever professional doctorate in the two arenas ‘Real Estate’ and ‘Construction’ in Hong Kong.




Equip senior executives with innovative professional development expertise along with academic knowledge of real estate and construction in Asian and global context.


Enrich senior executives’ theoretical and technical knowledge for top level advancement in the modern and ever-competitive real estate and construction industry.


Bring together innovative and highly practical approaches in the areas of construction project management, the application of information technology, urban economic processes, urban and regional planning, price determination for land and real estate, environmental issues and other relevant professional issues.


Inspire senior executives with comprehensive thinking and analysis methods to address competition and tackle the complex influence of public policy and the global economic environment.



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