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Neuroscience Research by Dr Bolton Chau and Dr Jing Jun Wong Awarded Prestigious RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship

2 May 2024


In an exciting development for the field of neuroscience and decision-making research, Dr Bolton Chau (Associate Professor) and Dr Jing-Jun Wong (Postdoctoral Fellow) of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences have been selected to receive the distinguished Research Grants Council (RGC) Postdoctoral Fellowship.

The RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship has been awarded to support Dr Wong to work with Dr Chau on an innovative research project titled "Exploring a grid-like code for representing decisions in the prefrontal cortex". This project aims to tackle one of the most intriguing questions in neuroscience today: how does the brain integrate qualitatively different attributes to make decisions? The team's research will utilise cutting-edge brain imaging techniques to uncover the processes occurring in the prefrontal cortex, a critical area of the brain involved in decision-making and cognitive control.

With the support of the RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship, Dr Wong and Dr Chau are set to make significant advancements in our understanding of the neuroscience of decision-making. This prestigious award not only recognises their dedication and pioneering work but also underscores the importance of their research in shedding light on the complexities of the human mind.

RS congratulates Dr Wong and Dr Chau on receiving this award and eagerly anticipates the outcomes of this exciting project, confident in the knowledge that their findings will contribute significantly to the broader field of neuroscience and beyond.

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