Capstone Projects
Fashion sustainability is yet being criticized for not being far-reaching enough to tackle the problem at its roots due to the diminished customer retention rate on product take-back. We hope to pave the way for innovating an advanced circular-based service through uplifting user experience on product take-back.

Teammate: Chow Yi Tung, Edith
Tutor: Dr Jeffrey Ho

Karrie S. Y. Wong
Karrie S. Y. Wong
Program: MDes Interaction Design
Year of Graduation: 2022
Topic: Sustainability; Circular fashion; Service design; Materialities
Project Type: Demonstration Project
ShoeRealism is established to support circular fashion by enriching materialities on digital objects to foster a detachment from physical possessions and prompt circular consumption. Served as an interactive service platform, ShoeRealism strives for an approachable way to make product take-back costless through transferring materialities of one's personal histories and memories to digital objects. Simultaneously, by providing a digital space for reflection, users will be encouraged to achieve optimized use of resources to tackle the problem at its roots.

An RFID-embedded sensor synced with ShoeRealism apps records users' activities with the shoes allowing users to recall memories with the shoes. By presenting digital ownership, users are motivated to detach from their physical possessions.

The reflective-centred in-app components are targeted to provide a digital space for reflection. By simulating the shoe cabinet, users can grab a better understanding of their consumption status that prompts optimized use of resources.

To achieve the goal, it strives for approachable ways to make product take-back costless, strengthen the linkage between purchase and product take-back, and diversify products and services to fulfil self-expression.

ShoeRealism envisions that enriching materialities on digital objects provides space for reflection to foster the detachment from physical possessions and prompt optimized use of resources to support product take-back.
An interactive service platform to record and visualise one's personal histories and memories on digital objects for reflection and prompt users to optimise the use of resources.
The platform to accompany the token system to strengthen the linkage between purchase and product take-back.
Also to provide a one-stop service to recycle shoes, use the shoes, and purchase new shoes to achieve sustainable circular fashion.
An interactive service platform to record and visualise one's personal histories and memories on digital objects for reflection and prompt users to optimise the use of resources.
The platform to accompany the token system to strengthen the linkage between purchase and product take-back.
Also to provide a one-stop service to recycle shoes, use the shoes, and purchase new shoes to achieve sustainable circular fashion.
© 2021 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design
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