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PolyU Scholars Hub



MBBS (ZJU, China), Msc (LMU, Germany), PhD (HKU), Psychiatrist (China)


林博士是注册精神科医生(中国)、香港及中国的注册瑜伽教练。她拥有中国浙江大学(ZJU)医学院的医学学士学位,德国慕尼黑大学(LMU)的神经认知心理学硕士学位和香港大学 (HKU) 的精神医学博士学位。早期临床医生的职业经历激发了她对精神疾病身心关联以及治疗康复的强烈兴趣。


她目前的研究重点包括身心运动干预对严重精神疾病患者的认知功能以及女性情绪障碍的临床影响和神经机制;对精神障碍女性的早期干预和长期随访的研究; 以及社区常见精神障碍疾病的流行病学研究等。 这些研究旨在为精神疾病的身心机理和临床干预提供新的视野和见识。

林博士在临床实证的基础上,积极将科研成果转化为社会实践,以提高公众对精神健康的意识,并宣传运动对身心健康的益处,促进全民身心全面健康发展。 她还通过在社区开展公开讲座和工作坊等形式,为精神病患者及其照顾者提供健康教育和有效的身心干预,促进疾病的康复以及提高生活质量。


  • 严重精神障碍患者的神经认知功能
  • 精神分裂症的临床药理学
  • 精神疾病患者的身心干预治疗
  • 女性精神疾病患者的长期随访研究
  • 社区人群常见精神障碍患病率及相关因素的流行病学研究


  • Ceraso, A., Lin, J., (Co-first author), Schneider-Thom, J., Siafis, S., Tardy, M., Komossa, K., Heres, S., Kissling, W., Davis, J.M., Leucht, S. (2019) (in press). Maintenance treatment with antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia: a meta-analysis review. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
  • Woodward, M.L., Lin, J., Gicas, K. M., Su, W., Hui, C.L.M., Honer, W.G., Chen, E.Y.H., Lang, D.J. (2020) Medial temporal lobe cortical changes in response to exercise interventions in early psychosis patients (in press). Schizophrenia Research.
  • Tong, A.C., Chang, W.C., Chan, A.N., Lin, J.J*. (2018) Objective and subjective cognitive functioning in relation to psychopathology among women with early psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 13 (5):1227-1235.
  • Lin, J., Geng, X., Lee, H.M., Chan, K.W., Chang, W.C., Hui, L.M., Tse, M., Chan, L.W., Khong, P.L., Honer, W.G., Chen, Y.H. (2017) Yoga reduces the brain’s amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in patients with early psychosis: results of a randomized controlled trial. Schizophrenia Research, 184:141-142.
  • Lee, E.H.M., Hui, C.L.M., Chang, W.C., Chan, S.W., Lin, J.J., Chen, E.Y.H. (2016) Comparison of cognitive functions, pre-morbid conditions and clinical characteristics between brief psychotic disorder and schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine, 46 (9):2011-2013.
  • Lin, J., Chan, K.W., Lee, H.M., Chang, W.C., Tse, M., Su, W., Sham, P., Hui, L.M., Joe, G., Chan, L.W., Khong, P.L., So, K.F., Honer, W.G., Chen, Y.H. (2015) Aerobic exercise and yoga improve neuro-cognitive function in women with early psychosis: effects of a randomized controlled trial. Nature Partner Journals Schizophrenia, 1(0):15047-15054.
  • Lin, J., Lee, E.M.H., Chang, W.C., Chan, S.K.W., Tse, M., Phong, P.I., Chan, C.L.W., Honer, W., Chen, E.Y.H. (2015) Aerobic exercise and yoga hold promises for improving neuro-cognition and symptom in early psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41 (S1): 320-320.
  • Tong, A.C., Lin, J.*, Cheung, V.Y., Lau, N.K., Chang, W.C., Chan, S.K., Hui, L.M., Lee, H.M., Chen, Y.H. (2015) A low-intensity mindfulness-based intervention for mood symptoms in people with early psychosis: developments and pilot evaluation. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 23 (6): 550-560.
  • Chang, W.C., Cheung, R., Hui, L.M., Lin, J., Chan, S.K., Lee, H.M., Chen, Y.H. (2015) Rate and risk factors of depressive symptoms in Chinese patients presenting with first-episode non-affective psychosis in Hong Kong. Schizophrenia Research, 168 (1-2), 99-105.
  • Hui, L.M., Lee, H.M., Chang, W.C., Chan, K.W., Lin, J., Xu, J., Chen, Y.H. (2015) Delusional disorder and schizophrenia: a comparison of the neurocognitive and clinical characteristics in first-episode patients. Psychological Medicine, 45 (14): 3085-3095.

