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20230718_News banner_RI


中國港灣─理大土地發展聯合研究中心於7月18日舉辦首場以「都市固體廢物焚化」為題的技術研討會。研討會由研究中心聯席主任兼理大土地及空間研究院管理委員會成員戴建國教授致歡迎辭揭開序幕。八位來自理大、香港城市大學、深圳大學、廣東省環保集團有限公司的講者就香港及大灣區城市都市固體廢物焚化灰燼的增值處理進行分享演說。研究中心聯席主任兼中國港灣(香港)辦公室主任孫華磊先生亦率領一行四人的中國港灣代表團參加此次活動。   隨著香港首座綜合廢物管理設施於2025 年在石鼓洲投入使用,研討會重點討論了將都市固體廢物焚化中所產生的灰燼轉化成有用建築材料的最新技術、當中挑戰和未來發展方向。一眾與會者就促進該領域的產學研合作和技術轉移進行了富有成果的討論。


20230719Prof KK Ling


土地及空間研究院副院長、賽馬會社會創新設計院總監凌嘉勤教授上周六(7月15日)獲邀出席政治組織「香港新方向」講座,分享北部都會區和交椅州人工島的發展機遇、以及國家區域發展戰略對香港未來發展的影響和機遇。   凌教授表示,北都可徹底改變香港固有的「重南輕北」發展格局,同時建立密不可分的港深「雙城」關係。他提到,《北部都會區發展策略》是港府首次承認香港與深圳密不可分的「雙城」關係策略文件,可提醒香港官員突破思維,項目定位在跨空間框架,探索港深合作的可能及效應。   網上報導: 明報 -


20230704_HKBIM Opening


香港理工大學(理大)土地及空間研究院聯同中國(香港)建築及工程交流學會、物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心、香港科技創新教育聯盟、香港建設管理交流中心和香港管理學院合辦「HKBIM未來公屋設計比賽」。比賽開幕典禮於2023年7月4日假 香港理工大學賽馬會綜藝館舉行。主禮嘉賓包括:特區政府財政司副司長黃偉綸先生、香港中聯辦教育科技部部長王偉明博士、房屋局局長何永賢女士、創新科技及工業局副局長張曼莉女士、理大行政副校長盧麗華博士、立法會議員謝偉銓先生、尚海龍先生、邱達根先生、物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心行政總裁黃廣揚先生及香港工程師學會會長李志康博士。   是次比賽設有中學組和成人組,參賽者可發揮創意,在理大研發的HKBIM軟件平台上,設計一個可行的未來公共屋邨建築方案。優勝作品或有機會套用至日後的公屋設計。   在啟動禮後,香港大學建築系副教授賈倍思博士就「現公屋建築設計概況及香港公屋建築發展史」作專題演講。隨後,理大智能建造研究室李曉穎博士和馬潔博士介紹此次比賽的主要設計軟件HKBIM。   網上報導: 大公報 - 文匯報 - 點新聞 - 橙新聞 - 新華網 - 香港電台 - 香港經濟日報 - 巴士的報 -


20230627Prof Xiao Lin Zhao

土地及空間研究院管理委員會成員獲頒德國洪堡研究獎及歐洲科學與人文學院院士 (只有英文版本)

Prof. Xiao Lin ZHAO, Management Committee Member of the Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS) and Chair Professor of Civil Infrastructure of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has been bestowed with the Humboldt Research Award 2023 and elected a Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA), in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of civil engineering. The Humboldt Research Award is given by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany to up to 100 leading researchers from abroad. The Award is open to all disciplines and recognises academics whose fundamental discoveries, findings or insights have made significant impact on their disciplines. Prof. ZHAO is recognised for his research excellence in civil and structural engineering. Prof. ZHAO has also been elected as a Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in the field of technical and environmental sciences. The EASA is an esteemed non-governmental association with 2,000 members including leading scientists, artists and practitioners of governance.  


20230210_Prof Hui

土地及空間研究院管理委員會成員接受NOW新聞台訪問 (只有英文版本)

Prof. Eddie C.M. HUI, management committee of RILS and Associate Head (Partnership) and Professor of the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE), shared his insights on land supply-demand imbalance on Now TV programme “News Magazine” on 7 February 2023. Online coverage: (Chinese only)  


20230118_RGC CRF

三項跨學科協作研究金項目獲批資助共超過1,751萬港元 (只有英文版本)

The Research Grant Committee (RGC) announced the funding results of the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) and CRF Young Collaborative Research Grant (YCRG) 2022/23. Three research projects led by RILS members, Dr Alessandro STOCCHINO, Ir Prof. J.G. DAI and Dr H.F. DUAN, received over HK$17.51 million grant in total. Research project Project Coordinator (PC) Amount awarded Collaborative Research Equipment Grant (CREG) Hong Kong Coastal HF-Radar Network Dr Alessandro STOCCHINO HK$8,000,000 Collaborative Research Project Grant (CRPG) Subambient Daytime Radiative Cooling Coating for Energy-Efficient Building Envelope Ir Prof.J.G. DAI HK$5,384,413  Young Collaborative Research Grant (YCRG)  Coastal Urban Flooding under Climate Change: Evolution Mechanisms and Intelligent Analysis  Dr H.F. DUAN  HK$4,133,507


20230112Prof Dan Tsang

土地及空間研究院成員被委任為環境諮詢委員會成員 (只有英文版本)

Prof. Dan TSANG, member of RILS and Professor of CEE, has been appointed as a member of the Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE) in The Environment and Ecology Bureau. The Council plays a pivotal role in reviewing the state of the environment in Hong Kong, as well as advising the Government, through the Secretary for Environment and Ecology, on appropriate measures which might be taken to combat pollution of all kinds, and to protect and sustain the environment Prof. TSANG also serves in Environmental Impact Assessment Subcommittee and Waste Management Subcommittee to support the development of environmental protection and conservation policies in Hong Kong.    


20230111Prof Wong appointed to UFAPRI

土地及空間研究院管理委員會成員獲委任為城市林務諮詢小組成員 (只有英文版本)

The Development Bureau announced on 30 December 2022 that 16 non-official members were being appointed to the Urban Forestry Advisory Panel (UFAP) for a term of two years from 1 January 2023. Sr Prof. Charles Man-sing WONG, management committee member of RILS, Associate Dean (FCE) and Professor of LSGI, was honoured to be one of them to receive the membership. The UFAP comprises both local and overseas experts from diffeent fields including urban forestry, plant science, engineering and landscape architecture related academics, professionals and experts, and will provide advice on orban forestry policies and intiatives from multiple perspectives. Please click here for access to the official Press Release from the HKSAR Government.  


20221206Dr HF Duan

土地及空間研究院學者獲批2022-23年度國家自然科學基金/研資局之合作研究資助 (只有英文版本)

Dr H.F. DUAN, member of RILS and Associate Professor of CEE, has received a funding of HK$1,244,750, granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)/Research Grants Council (RGC) Joint Research Scheme (JRS) 2022/23. Awarded Project Summary: The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) possesses an important strategic position in the overall development of China. In 2019, the Chinese Central Government released the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA)”, with aims to fully utilize the advantages of the city cluster (9+2 cities) within the GBA. However, in recent years, extreme and compound climate and weather events (e.g., typhoon and rainstorm) have become more and more intense and frequent globally, leading to challenging situations for the environment and resources in coastal regions including the GBA. Recent studies have revealed that a large portion (estimated at 15-28% based on different methods) of current resident areas in the GBA will be below the flooding water level in 2100 due to climate change. This indicates that the coastal flooding issues induced by the joint occurrences of rainstorms and storm surges will become increasingly severe in the future in the GBA. Through the close collaboration of the Hong Kong and Mainland teams, this joint project carries out scientific research on investigating the patterns and characteristics of joint occurrences of coastal rainstorms and storm surges, thereby assessing the resultant flooding risks in the GBA. This project addresses two scientific research issues as follows: (1) the underlying patterns of rainstorm-storm surge joint occurrences in the coastal regions of GBA; and (2) the physical mechanisms of coastal flooding caused by compound climate and weather events in the GBA. To this end, the comprehensive methodology of statistical analysis, numerical simulation, laboratory and field tests is applied for this research. The results and deliverables from this project could provide scientific guidance and technical support for effective planning and management of coastal flooding in the GBA, as well as offer significant references for urban flooding mitigation and prevention in other coastal regions.


20221128Prof Geoffrey Shen

土地及空間研究院學者成為皇家特許測量師學會年度研究大獎2022得主 (只有英文版本)

The research team led by Prof. Geoffrey Qiping SHEN, member of RILS and Chair Professor of Construction Management from the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE), has won the Research Team of the Year Award in the 2022 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Awards Hong Kong.  Since Year 2019, the research team has been working closely with the Qianhai Authority to comprehensively improve the level of Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation in the construction sector. The team has proposed solutions to problems encountered in cross-regional collaboration of the construction industry in the Greater Bay Area (GBA). As an achievement, the team successfully drafted two sets of record-filing measures, named as "Administrative Measures for the Registration of Hong Kong Construction Organisations in the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone" and "Administrative Measures for the Registration of Hong Kong Construction Professionals in the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone". These two measures have been enforced by the Qianhai Authority. As of 18 November 2022, 409 Hong Kong-based professionals and 45 Hong Kong-based organisations had completed their filings in the Qianhai Cooperation Zone. The implementation of the two measures helps break down the qualification barriers in the construction sector of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, a move that was praised by the former Chief Executive of the HKSAR Government, Mrs Carrie LAM, during the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Cooperation Meeting 2021. In July 2021, the administrative measure was listed as one of the 47 innovative measures and practices by the National Development and Reform Commission and will be promoted nationwide. Contribution by the research team in promoting collaboration in the construction sector in the GBA has been highly recognized by the RICS Hong Kong. The prestigious Research Team of the Year award represents the team’s outstanding achievements to the built environment, which will inspire the team to continue contributing to cross-regional collaboration in the GBA development.  


