Classroom named after Dr Joseph Lee
PolyU has recently named a classroom after Dr Joseph Lee, President of Wofoo Foundation Limited, who shares a common vision with the University to educate for a better society. A naming ceremony was held on 20 October in appreciation of Dr Lee’s generous support for the University’s education and research development.
A seasoned entrepreneur, Dr Lee founded Wofoo Plastics Limited in 1980, and made significant contributions in the fields of social services, manufacturing, and trade. Since the early 1990s, he has increasingly devoted his time and efforts to serving society. Dr Lee pledged himself to foster a caring, inclusive, and respectful society and further the Wofoo vision of “Harmony brings a family prosperity. Cohesion makes a nation wealthy.”
Dr Lee has also supported a number of studies on nurturing Hong Kong's young people, including two large-scale research projects led by PolyU’s Associate Vice-President (Undergraduate Programme) Professor Daniel Shek.