PolyU students win second prize in Huawei ICT competition
A team of PolyU students won the Second Prize Award in the Huawei Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Competition 2022-2023 Hong Kong in December 2022.
Organised by Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, with the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer of the HKSAR Government acting as advisor, the competition aims to deepen college students’ knowledge of ICT through assessing their mastery of ICT theories. It attracted more than 600 participants from local institutions.
The PolyU team, hellowhat, was made up of year one students Au-Yeung Chak-him and Bi Jingyun from the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering (EIE), and Li Jingyu from the Department of Applied Mathematics. They attained the second highest score in the Hong Kong track of the competition. Dr Lawrence Cheung Chi-chung, Teaching Fellow of EIE, who supervised the team, described them as being highly motivated and demonstrating innovation, as they integrated their knowledge on cloud storage and artificial intelligence. The students welcomed the opportunity to broadened their horizons through the competition.