PolyU has most top 50 ranked scientists in HK according to Stanford citation ranking
The world-class research produced by PolyU scholars across a wide range of disciplines has been recognised in different global rankings. More than 160 scholars from PolyU have been ranked among the world’s top 2% most-cited scientists, according to an index compiled by Stanford University. PolyU has 20 scientists who are ranked among the top 50 scholars in the world in their respective fields, the highest number among universities in Hong Kong. PolyU also has the most top 10 and top 20 scholars in their respective fields among local universities.
Overall, PolyU has the second highest number of scientists included on the list among Hong Kong universities, while it also has the most top 2% scientists in Hong Kong in the fields of Building and Construction (15) and Civil Engineering (12).
The scholars were named in the “Updated science-wide author databases of standardised citation indicators” compiled by Stanford University. A research team, led by Professor John Ioannidis, created the database of more than 100,000 top scientists across the world on the basis of standardised citation indicators. They were grouped into 22 subject fields and 176 sub-fields using the indicators. The indicators included information on citations, an individual’s scientific research output, co-authorship and a composite indicator for career-long citation impact up to the end of 2019.
In addition, 12 PolyU scholars have also been included in the Highly Cited Researchers 2020 list compiled by Clarivate.
These recognitions reflect the significant influence and research excellence of the University’s scientists, who are committed to furthering their knowledge for the benefit of the world.
Congratulations to the following PolyU scholars who have been ranked among the top 50 scientists in the world in their respective fields:
Subject field
Rank in field (field size)

Operations Research
5 (23,455)
Ir Professor Edwin Cheng
Chair Professor of Management
Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies

Sport, Leisure & Tourism
5 (6,302)
Professor Rob Law
School of Hotel and Tourism Management

Building & Construction
5 (27,014)
Professor Poon Chi-sun
Chair Professor of Sustainable Construction Materials
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Civil Engineering
8 (42,054)
Professor Jin-Guang Teng
Chair Professor of Structural Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Operations Research
10 (23,455)
Professor Felix Chan
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Sport, Leisure & Tourism
11 (6,302)
Professor Bob McKercher
School of Hotel and Tourism Management

Chemical Engineering
15 (55,697)
Professor Chen Guohua
Chair Professor of Energy Conversion and Storage
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Environmental Engineering
16 (42,482)
Professor Chau Kwok-wing
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Operations Research
16 (23,455)
Professor Qi Liqun
Emeritus Professor of Applied Mathematics
Department of Applied Mathematics

Information Systems
21 (16,581)
Professor Eric Ngai
Department of Management and Marketing

Strategic, Defence & Security Studies
22 (17,157)
Professor Chow Wan-ki
Emeritus Professor (Architectural Science and Fire Engineering)
Department of Building Services Engineering

22 (4,675)
Professor James Ohlson
Visiting Chair Professor of Accounting
School of Accounting and Finance

Building & Construction
22 (27,014)
Professor Wang Shengwei
Chair Professor of Building Services Engineering
Department of Building Services Engineering

Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry
25 (57,598)
Professor Wong Wai-yeung
Chair Professor of Chemical Technology
Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology

Civil Engineering
27 (42,054)
Professor Xu You-lin
Emeritus Professor (Structural Engineering)
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Building & Construction
28 (27,014)
Professor Albert Chan
Chair Professor of Construction Engineering and Management
Department of Building and Real Estate

Building & Construction
30 (27,014)
Professor Li Heng
Chair Professor of Construction Informatics
Department of Building and Real Estate

Civil Engineering
43 (42,054)
Professor Ben Young
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Sport, Leisure & Tourism
48 (6,302)
Professor Cathy Hsu
Chair Professor of Hospitality and Tourism Marketing
School of Hotel and Tourism Management

Sport, Leisure & Tourism
50 (6,302)
Professor Song Haiyan
Chair Professor of Tourism
School of Hotel and Tourism Management