Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation 賽馬會社會創新設計院

PolyU Jockey Club “Operation SoInno”

Season 9: “Children's Well-being in Subdivided Units” Co-creation Workshop


Call for co-creation teams!


To improve the well-being of children living in subdivided units, we are cordially inviting social workers, built environment professionals, healthcare professionals and people with spatial design knowledge to join the two-day workshop this season to co-create non-invasive home modification solutions (hardware) and corresponding strategies (software)



5 key areas to address 五大著手方向 :

  • Indoor air quality 室内空氣質素
  • Privacy and personal space 私隱和私人空間
  • Access to nutrition 攝取營養
  • Laundry and drying 洗衣和乾衣
  • Space for study and play 學習和玩樂空間


Fill out the form before 28 October (Wed) to become part of the co-creation teams! You will be notified upon successful/unsuccessful registration for the workshop via email by 4 November (Wed). *


* Your response in the form may affect your registration result and workshop grouping. 
* 您的答案可能影響報名結果和工作坊分組。


There are 14 questions in this form, which will allow us to better understand your background and pair you up with the right team.



Date 日期: 21 & 22 Nov 2020 (Sat & Sun)

Time 時間: 10:00-18:00

Venue 地點: PolyU 香港理工大學


Enquiry 查詢

Please email to 請電郵至