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香港理工大学高等研究院于2023年6月13日成功以混合模式举办「绿松石氢——能源转型时期可再生能源稀缺国家的解决方案」为题的公开讲座。讲座由新加坡南洋大学机械与航天工程学院教授、南大能源研究院联合院长、中新国际联合研究院副院长曾少华(CHAN Siew Hwa)教授演讲,吸引了来自亚洲、欧洲、北美超过45个国家和地区约150多名现场及网上参加者。讲座亦在哔哩哔哩、微博等多个社交媒体平台进行直播,在线观看人数超过12,000人次。 讲座由理大高等研究院院长陈清焰教授致欢迎辞揭开序幕,及后由量子工程与科学讲座教授刘爱群教授介绍讲者。 在演说中,曾教授分享了新加坡的能源长远规划和研究重点,以及在氢能源应用方面的进展。他随后讲解了绿松石氢和甲烷催化分解制氢的技术,及概述了南大过去30年在氢燃料电池的研究历程。 随后的问答环节由潘乐陶慈善基金智慧能源研究院院长、建筑能源与自动化讲座教授及潘乐陶慈善基金智能建筑教授王盛卫教授,以及潘乐陶慈善基金智慧能源研究院副院长、锺士元爵士可再生能源教授及能量转换技术讲座教授李刚教授一同主持,一众参加者与曾教授进行了富有成果的交流。 按此重温


20230421_Recap of PAIR Public Seminar by Prof Yang Weimin


香港理工大学高等研究院于2023年4月21日成功举办以「绿色化工与分子筛催化」为题的公开讲座(混合模式)。讲座由中国工程院院士、中国石化上海石油化工研究院院长杨为民教授主讲,吸引了来自亚洲、欧洲、北美10多个国家和地区的120多名现场及网上参加者。讲座亦在哔哩哔哩、微博等多个社交媒体平台进行直播,在线观看人数超过11,000人次。 讲座由理大协理副校长(研究与创新)王钻开教授以欢迎辞及讲者介绍揭开序幕。杨教授介绍了其团队在绿色化工领域的研究进展,包括基于分子筛催化材料的绿色化工技术开发与实践,以及新型分子筛催化材料的应用,并分享了他对行业未来趋势的展望。 随后的问答环节由应用物理系客座教授曾适之教授主持,一众参加者与杨教授进行了富有成果的交流。 按此重溫


20230117 website - The PAIR Public Seminar was successfully held on 10 January 2023

PAIR 公开研讨会完满举行 (只有英文版)

Dr WANG Yulun, Fellow at Teladoc Health and Co-founder and Chairman of World Telehealth Initiative and Maxcess Health, delivered the PAIR Public Lecture titled “An Entrepreneur’s Perspective on Surgical Robotics and Telemedicine, and their Convergence” in hybrid mode on 10 January 2023. The seminar attracted over 120 participants from over 25 countries and regions, including Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, etc. The participants came from diverse backgrounds and sectors, including academia, science and engineering, research and development, the medical and healthcare industry, etc.Dr Wang began the seminar by giving a brief history of surgical robots and their applications. He then showed the audience a short video about the first transatlantic tele-surgical operation, “Lindbergh operation”, carried out by a team of French surgeons led by Prof. Jacques Marescaux in New York on a patient in Strasbourg, France, on 7 September 2001. The operation involved minimally invasive surgery and high-speed fibre optic technology. The surgeon controlled the arms of the robotic surgical system in New York to operate on the patient in France.  Dr Wang then elaborated on the emergence of telemedicine and technology-enabled remote health care. He pointed out that more and more doctors have become specialists, and patients are now looking for quality, access and low-cost healthcare. Telemedicine utilises technologies for electronic health records and personalised medicine, big data analytics, artificial intelligence and remote monitoring so that practitioners can serve more patients efficiently without boundaries. Another short video was shown to explain the application of telestroke medicine—telemedicine for stroke patients in remote locations. Stroke experts work with local emergency health care providers to recommend a diagnosis and treatment. In this way, thousands of lives can be saved since patients can have access to proper stroke treatments and advice within three hours. Subsequently, Dr Wang talked about the digital transformation during the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The internet has driven various sectors, including the healthcare industry, to do business internationally through interconnected computer networks. The COVID-19 pandemic has also catalysed the rapid adoption of digital technology. Hence, the future of the healthcare system will be a combination of cloud-based solutions in digital health, telemedicine and virtual care, which are considered reliable, scalable and cost-effective. Finally, Dr Wang looked at digital healthcare for non-profit and charitable causes. He talked about the World Telehealth Initiative (WTI), a non-profit he co-founded in 2017, leverages telehealth to bring clinical expertise to the world’s most vulnerable communities to build the local expert capacity and advance core health services. A 30-minute question-and-answer session moderated by Prof. CHEN Qingyan, Director of PAIR, followed. The audience had a fruitful exchange with Dr Wang on the regulatory issues in healthcare, the contributory role of computer science and biomedical engineering in telemedicine, the technical and financial complications in telemedicine, ethical issues in digital healthcare, etc. Please click here for an online review.


