MM will hold a Public Webinar on the topic “The Sustainability Paradox: How Can We SHIFT Consumers to Act More Sustainably?” on 29 September 2023.
Prof. Katherine White will discuss how we can encourage consumers to get on board with making meaningful changes to be more sustainable. She will present a framework from her own research that is represented by the acronym SHIFT. People are most likely to engage in sustainable behaviors when the message or context leverages the following psychological factors: Social influence, Habit formation, Individual self, Feelings and cognition, and Tangibility. The Framework was developed through a rigorous review that integrates over 350 academic articles published in top peer-reviewed journals into a concise, useful, and actionable structure. She will explain the framework using research and real-world examples.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 922 9431 0478 Passcode: 108610
Please register through the registration form on or before 25 Sep 2023 (Mon).