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Common study area now available at Student Computer Centre

A series of improvement works have been conducted at the Student Computer Centre (SCC) at Li Ka Shing Tower. Phase 1 improvement works include student common areas at Rooms M306 and M307 where students can relax between classes, recharge their handsets/ laptops and network with others.

 common study area1

M306 & M307


The self-study areas at Rooms M301 and M304 have also been re-fitted with new study desks after repainting and carpet replacement works, to provide more working space and room to stretch your legs. Seats in Room M301 have been re-arranged to provide informal learning space for collaboration and project discussion. Students can also share screen of your laptops or smart handsets to LCD monitors via wireless connection.


M306 M307

M301 & M304


Prevailing desktop software on 3/F of the SCC have been refreshed to include software tools for 3D modelling, multimedia content editing, coding/development and statistical analysis. Students are welcome to leverage these software tools.

For students who prefer to bring their own laptops and / or tablets, the enhanced Wi-Fi coverage at the SCC will allow stable Internet access.

Please come and experience these common study areas and share your thoughts and ideas with us, so that we can continue to improve the SCC to meet your needs.


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