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Past Events

Jul 2016
Appreciative Inquiry (AI)-Unleashing Organizational Potential and Learning Capacity


09 Jul 2016 - 09 Jul 2016




The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Ms. TSUI Pui Yin Dorothy

Event fee:

Free of charge (Seats Limited)

Please view here for more details and registration


Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a strengths-based process for building teamwork, trust and collaboration, enhancing employee engagement, generating a spirit of creativity and innovation, and ensuring results oriented commitment to a shared mission, vision and strategy. It is a proven methodology for leading positive change in organizations and communities.

In this event, we have invited Ms. Dorothy Tsui, a certified program trainer in AI, to share with us how Appreciative Inquiry can support organizations to unleash potential, bring out the best in people, and replicate success through organizational learning.  Dorothy will cover:

  • Why using Appreciative Inquiry in organizational learning and development - Essence and Value
  • How Appreciative Inquiry facilitates organizational learning, unleashes potential, and creates concrete results simultaneously
  • Case studies of using Appreciative Inquiry for multi-level organizational learning by leveraging collective strengths and best practices
  • A taste of the appreciative approach
  • Where Appreciative Inquiry meets Knowledge Management - how AI can support our KM practice

Biography of the Speaker

Ms. TSUI Pui Yin Dorothy is a dedicated people and organization development consultant, having over 20 years of experience serving businesses across industries, NGOs, government agencies, educational and health care institutions in Greater China, South East Asia and the USA. Her vision is to facilitate flourishing growth in individuals, relationships, organizations, and communities through bringing out the best in people.

As the Principal of Greater China Center and Hong Kong Center for Positive Change, which are official international centers of Corporation for Positive Change (CPC), Dorothy designs and facilitates co-creative processes that are firmly grounded in the strength-based principles of Appreciative Inquiry for positive and lasting change. She trains and develops Appreciative Inquiry practitioners and consultants through intensive programs and one-on-one mentoring. She is a CPC leadership team member and serves as a Principal to support its development in Asia.

Dorothy is the first Certified Learning and Performance Professional® (CPLP®) of the Association for Talent Development (ATD) in Hong Kong and has supported CPLP® candidates in Asia to go through the certification process. She is also the Founder of the World Institute for Action Learning (Hong Kong).