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Guidelines on Institutional Survey Implementation

In response to the recommendations of the Task Force for Review on University-wide Surveys, Institutional Planning and Analytics Office (IPAO) has responsibility for coordinating institutional surveys with a view to:

  1. reducing overlapping content among surveys;
  2. streamlining survey operations; and
  3. facilitating information search and data analysis across surveys for strategic planning purposes.

The guidelines below are designed to assist:

  • Survey hosts in conducting institutional surveys, and
  • Units which wish to conduct new institutional survey at PolyU.

For the unit wishing to conduct a new institutional survey, the following information should be provided via e-form for assessing if the survey is considered necessary:
  1. Survey title
  2. Survey host (i.e. unit and section name, where appropriate)
  3. Survey objectives
  4. Target population and size
  5. Expected number of responses
  6. Survey scope (e.g., key topics to be covered)
  7. Supplementary information, such as proposal/ questionnaire (if any)

In the case that the survey scope is already been covered by existing institutional surveys, IPAO would suggest the unit leverage survey data collected by other survey hosts or form a collaboration to enrich the existing survey content.

Upon confirmation of approval for conducting a new survey, the survey host shall inform IPAO of the list of the Qualtrics users involved in the survey implementation (NetID, e-mail address, staff name, as appropriate) so as to facilitate the survey setup on the Qualtrics platform.  It is recommended to fully utilise the functional accounts.

To encourage resource sharing among members of the survey host, all images, files, and message templates adopted in the surveys will be stored in the Qualtrics' group library.

IPAO will conduct a regular review of the institutional surveys and provide recommendations to survey hosts for further enhancing a survey’s effectiveness.

After completion of data collection and data analysis, final reports shall be submitted to IPAO for record and to the one-stop platform which can be accessed by designated PolyU staff.  

To ensure the effective use of resources, IPAO will conduct housekeeping of the Qualtrics user list every three months. Survey hosts shall provide an updated list (e.g., with the removal of user accounts of colleagues who have left their position). The allocation of User accounts is based on operational needs.  It is again recommended to effectively utilise the functional accounts and avoid too many members holding accounts but rarely accessing the Qualtrics platform.

Data anonymity and confidentiality shall be assured. However, it is understood that institutional surveys are often necessarily conducted in a confidential but non-anonymous format. Survey authentication (e.g., single sign-on (SSO) login/ unique survey link) may be adopted to capture some basic identifying information along with the responses. With this authentication, typos or unrequested information provided can be reduced.

Nevertheless, all personal information collected from a survey shall always be kept in strict confidence and disclosure to any unauthorised parties without official data retrieval request is prohibited. Data shall only be analysed and reported in aggregate form that does not contain any identifiable personal information.

A survey disclaimer shall be included in order to assure respondents about the data confidentiality and the purpose of data usage. The statement suggested below can be extracted from the survey template in the common resource library on Qualtrics:

(in English) “Your participation is completely voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw from participation at any time. All the information collected is kept strictly confidential and used only for the purpose of aggregate statistical analyses. Your responses will be used for developing university-wide strategic plans and initiatives. PolyU reserves the right to amend the information without prior notice.”

(in Chinese)參與這項調查純屬自願性質,你亦可隨時退出,調查所收集的資料將會絕對保密及只會作綜合分析之用。  閣下的意見將會用於大學的策劃發展。我們保留修改資料的權利,恕不另行通知。"

For any technical issues encountered on the Qualtrics platform, please contact 24/7 Qualtrics support by logging into the Qualtrics platform with your SSO.

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