Our Planet 我們的天與地 (2019)

- Season 1 第一季
- Winner of two Emmy® Awards 兩項艾美獎得主

Watch the Trailer 觀看預告片:

About the Documentary

A Netflix original documentary series (in 8 episodes), Our Planet showcases the world's natural wonders, iconic species and wildlife spectacles that still remain. Addressing the biggest challenges facing life on our planet, the film offers a powerful message of hope for future generations.


Netflix共8集的原創紀錄片 《Our Planet》 (我們的天與地)帶領觀眾探索地球現存豐富的自然奇觀,標誌性物種和野生動物景觀,透過捕捉這些罕有的珍貴片段,揭示了嚴重威脅其生存的關鍵問題,向整個世界傳遞了一個關乎未來的重要訊息。

Our Planet is steaming on可於以下頻道觀看 (may require subscription 或需付費):

  • Netflix

Official Website 官方網頁: https://www.ourplanet.com

Language 語言: English 英語