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研資局 - 優配研究金
首席研究員 | 研究項目名稱 | 核准金額 |
2024-2025 | ||
Dr Margo TURNBULL(ENGL) | A mixed-methods, longitudinal evaluation of multilingual simulation-based communication training for final year nursing and medical students in Hong Kong | HKD741,700 |
Dr Winsy WONG (CBS) | Can immersive virtual reality magnify treatment outcomes of script training on Cantonese speakers with chronic aphasia? A randomized controlled trial | HKD944,696 |
Dr Christy QIU(ENGL) | Effects of cognitive and pragmatic task factors on Hong Kong English learners’ linguistic and pragmatic performance on face-to-face and computer-mediated oral tasks | HKD685,971 |
Prof. ZHU Xinhua(CBS) | Enhancing the Ideal L2 Chinese Self through Multimodal Reading Intervention and its Impact on Engagement, Acculturation, and Reading Comprehension | HKD822,625 |
Dr Adel CHAOUCH-OROZCO(CBS) | Examining Valence-mOduLated Variation of Emotion concepts across cultures (EVOLVE) | HKD556,389 |
Dr CHEN Bin(CHC) | Frontier Strategies: Islamic Teachers Schools in the Making of Modern China, 1920s to 1940s | HKD139,200 |
Dr John ROGERS(ENGL) | It’s about time: Optimizing fluency training for second language instruction | HKD880,088 |
Dr LIU Kanglong(CBS) | Modality in common law judicial discourse: A bidirectional parallel corpus-based investigation of judgments in Hong Kong | HKD553,322 |
Dr KE Sihui(CBS) | Morphological Decoding or Morphological Meaning Analysis? Unpacking the Effects of Chinese Morphological Interventions on Hong Kong Chinese Speaking and Non-Chinese Speaking Students’ Literacy Development | HKD867,859 |
Prof. LI Ping(CBS) | Multimedia learning and multimodal interaction: Understanding individual differences in student online learning | HKD804,000 |
Dr CHEN Jing(CHC) | On A Literature of Their Own: Close and Distant Reading of Qing-Dynasty Literary Critical Writings on Women’s Literature | HKD446,943 |
Dr MAK Kathy Yim King(CHC) | Peripherality in Question: Hierarchy and Transcendence in Cheung Yee’s Sculptural Practices (1950s–1980s) | HKD268,915 |
Dr ZHAO Yi(CHC) | Resonation between Tombs and Temples: Art, Belief and Practices of Buddhist Paradises in Early Medieval China (3rd to 6th century) | HKD395,409 |
Dr MA Tsang Wing(CHC) | Revisiting the Legal Reforms of Emperor Wen of Han (r. 180-157 BCE): An Examination of the Newly-Excavated Legal Manuscripts from Three Early Han Tombs | HKD504,562 |
Dr ZHANG Caicai(CBS) | The effects of auditory cueing during sleep on generalized phonetic learning: The case of nonnative lexical tone learning | HKD860,380 |
Dr LAM Phoenix(ENGL) | The online place brand image of Hong Kong in the post-COVID-19 era | HKD666,831 |
Dr WU Zhiwei(CBS) | The seductive details effect of danmu on the incidental learning of English vocabulary | HKD343,250 |
Dr MOMENIAN Mohammad(CBS) | Tracking the spatiotemporal dynamics of language comprehension in healthy aging: an EEG-fMRI study | HKD759,880 |
2023-2024 | ||
Prof. LI Dechao(CBS) | A corpus-driven study of formulaic language in constrained English: A multimodal approach | HKD652,500 |
Dr FONG Cheuk Man Manson(CBS) | Group-level and individual-level precision functional mapping of the linguistic cerebellum: comparisons across linguistic and motor domains | HKD1,063,292 |
Dr CHANG Weiling(CC) | Neo-Confucianism and Political Culture in the Mid-Southern Song Dynasty | HKD287,640 |
Dr HO Wing Yee Jenifer(ENGL) | Online corporate instructional videos for branding: A qualitative investigation of pre-flight safety videos | HKD412,500 |
Prof. LI Ping(CBS) | Technologies, Data, and Learning: Digital language learning (DLL) and second language representation | HKD852,000 |
Prof. Stefano OCCHIPINTI (ENGL) | The cultural context of moralisation as a driver of health stigma in Hong Kong SAR and Australia | HKD734,500 |
Dr LIU Ming(CBS) | The Politics of Recontextualizing the Hong Kong Basic Law in News Media: A Corpusassisted Discourse Study | HKD257,200 |
Prof. SHENG Li(CBS) | Understanding Vulnerabilities in Narrative Performance in Mandarin-Speaking Children with Developmental Language Disorder | HKD769,058 |
2022-2023 | ||
Dr Jamie MCKEOWN(ENGL) | Assessing the Basic Law: A Discourse-Analytic Investigation of the Targeted Use of Evidentiality in the HKSAR Appellate Courts | HKD564,426 |
Dr HSU Yu-yin(CBS) | Enriching the Context of Prosodic Training: A Study of Cantonese Speakers’ Perception and Production of Mandarin Tone Sandhi and Focus Prosody | HKD883,700 |
Dr Sal CONSOLI(ENGL) | Learner engagement for English language education in Hong Kong universities: A mixed-methods study of students’ and teachers’ perspectives | HKD695,235 |
Dr Emmanuele CHERSONI(CBS) | Modeling Generalized Event Knowledge for Noun Compound Interpretation and Prediction with Vector Spaces and Transformers | HKD433,500 |
Dr PAN Lu(CC) | Representations of “South of the Sea”: Renegotiating the Place of Hainan Island in Historical and Cultural Imaginations | HKD334,000 |
Prof. ZHU Xinhua(CBS) | The motivation, engagement and task performance of integrated writing in Chinese as a second language among non-Chinese speaking students: Developmental trajectories and longitudinal associations | HKD812,305 |
Dr YAO Yao(CBS) | Transfer of sociophonetic variation across languages: How do bilingual speakers perceive indexical meanings of L1 and L2 sounds? | HKD863,000 |
Dr ZHANG Yun(CC) | The Vernacular Science of Feminine Hygiene: Women’s Reproductive Health in China’s Global Twentieth Century, 1920s–1950s | HKD294,436 |
2021-2022 | ||
Dr LI Dechao(CBS) |
Convergence or Divergence? A Corpus-based Multidimensional Analysis of Learner Interpreting with Professional Interpreting and Non-native Language Variety | HKD431,209 |
Prof. HUANG Chu-Ren(CBS) | Modality Exclusivity and Embodiment Correlations in Mandarin Sensory Lexicon | HKD695,475 |
Dr KWONG Elaine Yee-lan(CBS) | Applying a motor learning theory to the acquisition of swallowing maneuver | HKD546,768 |
Dr LEE Yat Mei Sophia(CBS) | Reversal of Emotions in Social Media: A Study of Opposites, Negation, and Irony | HKD849,915 |
Dr PENG Gang(CBS) | The nature of lexical tone processing atypicalities in tone language speakers with autism spectrum disorders | HKD478,800 |
Dr WONG Min Ney(CBS) | From segmental sequencing to pitch-variation skills: New insights for diagnosing childhood apraxia of speech | HKD704,240 |
Dr CHANG Weiling(CC) | The Changing Relationship between Local Literati and the State: A Case Study of Puyang, Fujian from the Tenth to Twelfth Century | HKD389,209 |
Dr Brian TSUI(CC) | “Red” Christianity and “New China” in the 1950s: The Case of Hewlett Johnson | HKD298,441 |
Dr WU Wan-Yi(CC) | The Influence of the Drama Policy in the Early Years of the Republic of China (1911-1937) on Beijing Opera and Bangzi Opera —Focus on New Edited plays and Proscribed plays | HKD367,609 |
Dr ZHANG Yu(CC) | China at Work: Revolutionizing the Culture of Work and the Chinese Cultural Imaginaries | HKD297,209 |
Dr FENG Dezheng William(ENGL) | The Changing Representation of China in Hong Kong Media from 1997 to 2020: A Diachronic Corpus Analysis | HKD395,505 |
Prof. HU Guangwei(ENGL) | Improving teacher talk in classroom instruction: A mixed-methods study of the impact of professional development in questioning | HKD1,298,330 |
Dr Phoebe LIN(ENGL) | The learnability of 41,973 English formulaic expressions: A predictive model and a normative database | HKD966,274 |
Dr Margo TURNBULL(ENGL) | “Normally you sit beside a bed and hold someone’s hand”: Covid-19 and end-of-life care practices in Hong Kong SAR and Australia | HKD535,625 |
2020-2021 |
Dr Angel CHAN(CBS) | Revisiting Nonword Repetition as a diagnostic tool in Cantonese-speaking children with Developmental Language Disorder | HKD662,500 |
Dr LAU Kai-Yan Dustin(CBS) | Modelling Chinese Writing-to-Dictation – A big data study | HKD478,200 |
Prof. David C. S. LI(CBS) | The third modality of face-to-face communication? Centuries-old ‘silent conversation’ through Sinitic brushtalk (筆談), and script and lexical borrowing within the Sinographic cosmopolis | HKD423,600 |
Prof. LI Ping(CBS) | Second Language Learning in VR: The Perception-Action Connection | HKD631,500 |
Dr LIU Kanglong(CBS) | Translation or Mediation Universals? A Corpus-based Multidimensional Analysis of Learner Translation with Professional Translation and Non-native Language Variety | HKD388,000 |
Dr Stephen POLITZER-AHLES(CBS) | Is the mismatch negativity really sensitive to abstract linguistic representations? | HKD700,500 |
Dr Mark MEULENBELD(CC) | The Heirs of Peach Spring: Daoist Frameworks for Chinese Village Culture | HKD510,000 |
Prof. Kathleen AHRENS(ENGL) | Metaphor, Gender, and Persuasion: Influencing judgments through source domain manipulation | HKD526,655 |
Dr Renia LOPEZ(ENGL) | Gesture processing in foreign language learners: A study to assess the correlation inlanguage proficiency and gesture-speech processing mechanisms at different stages of language learning | HKD666,500 |
2019-2020 |
Dr LI Dechao(CBS) |
A Comparative Enquiry into Cognitive Processes of Translation and Paraphrasing---Evidence from eye-tracking and keylogging | HKD89,000 |
Prof. William S-Y. WANG(CBS) | Neurocognitive bases of immediate learning success and lexical consolidation of second language words in older adults: a multi-modal (MRI/EEG) study on medial temporal lobe functions | HKD779,060 |
Dr WU Wan-Yi(CC) | The Establishment of a Model of Performance of Bangzi Opera and its Relationship with the Audio-Visual Media,1911-1937 | HKD380,000 |
Dr Dennis TAY(ENGL) | Diachronic discourse structure and typology with time series models | HKD424,000 |
2018-2019 |
Dr CHEUNG Chi-Hang Candice(CBS) | Relations between Theory of Mind, Mental State Terms, and Presuppositions in Cantonese-speaking Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorders | HKD578,746 |
Prof. HUANG Chu-Ren(CBS) | Mandarin Alphabetical Words: A Study on the Role of Orthography in Morphological and Phonological Adaptation | HKD486,420 |
Dr NGAI Sing Bik Cindy(CBS) | The persuasive effect of the specific communication styles in corporate leaders’ narrative messages on stakeholders’ attitude | HKD219,214 |
Dr PENG Gang(CBS) | General auditory or speech-specific origin? Talker normalization revisited | HKD425,200 |
Prof. William S-Y. WANG(CBS) | Functional Connectome of Semantic Processing across the Adult Lifespan: A Multimodal Investigation using EEG and fMRI | HKD813,520 |
Prof. HAN Xiaorong(CC) | The Hakka Community in Northern Vietnam since 1850: Ethnic and Political Interactions | HKD281,200 |
Prof. JIA Jinhua(CC) | Chinese Cosmology of the Warring States Period: A Thematic and Holistic Study of Four Excavated Manuscripts | HKD146,464 |
Dr PAN Lu(CC) | From The 70s Bi-weekly to Communiqué: Autonomous Media, Social Activism and Alternative Cultural Production in Hong Kong 1970s-1990s | HKD211,987 |
Dr Kevin Conrad SCHOENBERGER Jr.(CC) | Developing Digital Approaches to the Study of Language and Music Interaction in Traditional Chinese Drama 以數位人文初探中國傳統戲曲中語言與音樂之互動 |
HKD250,530 |
Dr Brian TSUI(CC) | Embracing "New China": An Intellectual History of China-India Friendship, 1950-1955 | HKD284,256 |
Dr Dennis TAY(ENGL) | A multi-perspectival study of attitudes and responses towards metaphor use in the university counseling context | HKD377,500 |
2017-2018 | ||
Dr Angel CHAN(CBS) | Asymmetries in Cantonese Children's Comprehension and Production of Relative Clauses: Structure, Typology and Processing |
HKD359,600 |
Dr TSE Wai Kit Wicky(CC) | War as a Necessary Evil — Violence and Warfare in Early Medieval China | HKD226,600 |
Prof. Kathleen AHRENS(ENGL) | The Role of Metaphors in Reasoning | HKD639,360 |
Dr Victor HO(ENGL) | Dealing with criticisms: A genre-based approach to analysing hotel management's responses to negative online reviews | HKD580,025 |
Dr Phoebe LIN(ENGL) | Investigating the effects of speech rate and word knowledge on L2 listening comprehension | HKD487,500 |
2016-2017 | ||
Dr ZHU Xinhua(CBS) | Secondary School Students’ Cognitive Processing in Integrated Writing Tasks in Chinese (L1) and English (L2) | HKD304,100 |
Prof. Christian M.I.M. MATTHIESSEN(ENGL) | The Critical Role of Communication in the Transition of Care of Elderly Patients from Acute to Primary Settings | HKD814,500 |
2015-2016 |
Dr LEE Yat Mei Sophia(CBS) | Meaning behind the Message: The Interplay of Form, Event, and User Profile in Implicit Emotions | HKD514,500 |
Dr WANG Binhua(CBS) | How Does China Present Itself in Translated/Interpreted Political Discourse? - Multi-dimensional Analyses based on the Multi-composite Corpus of China’s Political Discourse (MCCPD) | HKD472,000 |
Dr CHIEN Li-kuei(CC) | Bodhisattvas for Sale: Scholars, Curators, Dealers and Collectors in the Market for Medieval Chinese Buddhist Sculpture | HKD420,000 |
2014-2015 | ||
Dr TAM King-fai(CC) | Remembering World War II in Hong Kong Popular Culture | HKD359,850 |
Dr Veloso FRANCISCO(ENGL) | Text-image relations: an empirical investigation of the semiotic labour of comicbooks | HKD572,492 |
Dr YAP Foong Ha(ENGL) | Valence-reducing phenomena and the emergence of markers of speaker affectedness | HKD502,600 |
2013-2014 | ||
Dr Mable CHAN(ENGL) | The Role of Pedagogical Intervention: Acquisition of Tense by Cantonese ESL Learners in Hong Kong | HKD677,300 |
Dr Stephen EVANS(ENGL) | Investigating the past, illuminating the present: Perspectives on language policies and practices in Hong Kong education | HKD187,000 |
Prof. Martin WARREN(ENGL) | Determining the lexico-grammar and move structure of corporate governance reports | HKD682,500 |
2012-2013 | ||
Prof. HUANG Chu-Ren(CBS) | World Chineses and Their Grammatical Variations: Empirical Studies based on Comparable Corpora | HKD603,064 |
Dr Kathryn LOWRY(CC) | Editor-Author of Dictionaries and Fiction and a Singular Talent: Deng Zhimo | HKD240,442 |
Dr Stephen EVANS(ENGL) | Meeting the challenges of English-medium higher education: The undergraduate experience of the new Hong Kong curriculum | HKD604,630 |
研資局 - 傑出青年學者計劃
首席研究員 | 研究項目名稱 | 核准金額 |
2024-2025 | ||
Dr PELZL Eric Alan(CBS) | Adaptation to tonal variation in Cantonese- and English-accented Mandarin speech |
HKD885,960 |
Dr PAN Yiying(CHC) | Inland Artery of Global Connectivity: Infrastructural Remaking of the Upper Yangzi River in the Age of Global Steam Revolution | HKD400,000 |
2023-2024 | ||
Dr David J. LEBOVITZ(CC) | Poetic Tectonics: Collection, canon formation, and the landscape of versification in Chinese manuscript culture, c. 479 BCE–220 CE | HKD395,000 |
Dr Nate Ming CURRAN(ENGL) | Discrimination and self-branding on online language tutoring platforms: An Applied Linguistics approach | HKD395,600 |
2021-2022 | ||
Dr CHEN Jing(CC) | Reading Poetry, Reading Books: Developing Digital Approaches to Exploring Practices of Reading Pre-Tang Poetry Anthologies in Late Imperial China, 1500s–1800s | HKD403,800 |
Dr MAK Yim-king Kathy(CC) | The In-Between: Printmaking and Cross-Mediality in Hong Kong Art (1960s–1970s) | HKD474,300 |
2019-2020 | ||
Dr WONG Min Ney(CBS) | Modulation of primary motor cortex to enhance treatment of dysarthria post-stroke | HKD1,411,936 |
2017-2018 |
Dr Stephen POLITZER-AHLES(CBS) | Mental representations of Chinese tones: abstract vs. episodic accounts | HKD742,856 |
Dr CHEN Lang(CC) | Mahayana Antinomianism in Sixteenth-Seventeenth Century China: From a Tiantai Perspective | HKD302,000 |
Dr WU Wan-Yi(CC) | Gender, Performance and Drama: A study of Female Theater in Beijing, 1911-1937 1911-1937年間北京地區女劇研究—從性別、表演及文本的角度切入 |
HKD252,218 |
2016-2017 |
Dr CHEN Si(CBS) | The Duration Effect in Perceiving Pitch Directions and its Interactions with Vowel Quality and Language Experience | HKD435,200 |
Dr ZHANG Caicai(CBS) | Effect of Musical Disorder on the Neural Processing of Lexical Tone | HKD867,590 |
Dr LEUNG Shuk Man(CC) | Imagining a Hong Kong Identity: A Study of Chinese Cultural Revolution Discourse in Hong Kong Newspapers and Journals, 1966-1976 | HKD327,500 |
Dr PAN Lu(CC) | Remapping World War II Memory through Commemorative Artifacts in Contemporary Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan | HKD398,000 |
Dr LAM Man Kit Marvin(ENGL) | Investigating the Communication of Relationship-centeredness in Healthcare for the Enhancement of Patients’ Satisfaction and Adherence to Treatment | HKD415,496 |
Dr Phoebe LIN(ENGL) | Investigating the Optimal Mode of Input for the Acquisition of Second Language Formulaic Sequences | HKD517,885 |
2015-2016 | ||
Dr TSE Wai Kit Wicky(CC) | Forging a New Political Order on the Edge of the Empire: Legitimacy, Ethnicity, and the Northwestern Borderlands in Early Medieval China | HKD397,000 |
Dr Brian TSUI(CC) | Turncoats: Political Conversion and Anti-Communism in Nationalist China, 1927-1949 | HKD338,700 |
Dr Dennis TAY(ENGL) | Metaphor in Hong Kong psychotherapy talk – description, comparison, and application | HKD371,000 |
2014-2015 | ||
Dr LEE Sylvia Wun-Sze(ENGL) | Seventeenth-century Women Painters and their Negotiation of Identities | HKD240,000 |
2013-2014 | ||
Dr LEE Yat Mei Sophia(CBS) | Emotion in Code-switching Contexts: Paving the Way for a Multilingual World | HKD767,000 |
Dr YAO Yao(CBS) | Exploring word order variation in Chinese: A case study of the use of BA construction | HKD308,000 |
Dr CHIEN Li-kuei(CC) | The Contemplating Image in the Popular Buddhism of Sixth Century Hebei | HKD210,870 |
Research Grants Council (RGC) – Collaborative Research Fund (CRF)
Collaborating University | Project Title | Project Coordinator | Funding Awarded |
2024-2025 |
HKU and EdUHK |
Integrating Machine Learning, Behavioral Analysis and Multimodal Neuroimaging Techniques to Investigate the Comorbidity of Specific Learning Disabilities in Hong Kong |
Prof. SIOK Wai Ting(CBS) |
HKD4,000,000 (2024) |
首席研究員 | 研究項目名稱 | 核准金額(年份) |
Prof. HAN Xiaorong(CC) | Migration and Ethnicity in War and Revolution: The Chinese in Northern Vietnam since 1885 | HKD404,000 (2020) |
Prof. Chu Hung-lam(CC) | Rebuilding the textual basis for researching Ming dynasty Confucianism - the production of a critical edition of the source book Mingru xuean | HKD814,900 (2012) |