Results of RGC Competitive Funding Schemes 2016/17 |
The 2016/17 application results for the RGC General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) were announced on 30 June 2016. Due to their similar nature, the application results for these 2 schemes have been combined in some of the following analysis:
Dept. |
GRF Grants |
ECS Grants |
success rate
Total amount of competitive funding (including GRF & ECS) (HK$) |
Amount per eligible staff member (HK$) |
4 |
0 |
19% |
$2,396,938 |
$114,140 |
5 |
1 |
32% |
$3,610,621 |
$164,119 |
17 |
2 |
53% |
$11,863,904 |
$312,208 |
4 |
N/A |
40% |
$2,678,458 |
$178,564 |
Total |
30 |
3 |
38% |
$20,549,921 |
$214,062 |
Comparisons of departmental performance over the past 10 years using 2 indicators, namely, the number of grants per year and the average funding amount per academic staff member (only eligible staff members are counted) are shown in Figures 1 and 2 respectively. In terms of the number of grants per year, CEE and BSE rank 1st and 2nd, followed by equally ranked BRE and LSGI. In terms of average funding amount per academic staff member, the rankings of our 4 departments are CEE, LSGI, BSE, and BRE. In general, the performances of the four departments in recent years have varied in their ups and downs. The total number of grants awarded to our Faculty has shown a gradual and steady increase over the past 7 rounds (i.e. since 2010/11) but the average funding amount recorded a slight drop in recent 2 years.
Figure 1: Comparison of Number of Grants per Year between Departments
Figure 2: Comparison of Amount of RGC Competitive Funding per Eligible Staff Member between Departments
In the Civil Engineering, Surveying, Building and Construction (CESBC) disciplines of the Engineering Panel, PolyU has led the local universities in the GRF/ECS exercises since 1994/95 in both the number of GRF/ECS projects supported and the total grant value awarded, consistently winning around or over 40% of all GRF/ECS grants allocated in these disciplines. The distribution of the amount of GRF/ECS funding in the 2016/17 round among local universities is shown in Figure 3. We received 40% of the total available funding in the CESBC disciplines. The average funding per project is HK$617K.

Figure 3: Distribution of GRF/ECS Funding in the CESBC Disciplines among Institutions in the 2016/17 Round
Of the 33 GRF/ECS grants awarded to the Faculty this year, 1 was awarded outside the CESBC disciplines. The Faculty won 32 grants (or 40%) totalling HK$19,874K out of 81 GRF/ECS grants awarded by RGC in the CESBC disciplines in the present round (i.e. 2016/17). FCE colleagues are urged to work hard to ensure a greater share of GRF/ECS funding in the CESBC disciplines in the future. |

BRE Academic Awarded Prestigious Humboldt Research Fellowship |
Prof. Meng Ni from the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) was recently awarded a prestigious Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers. It will support Prof. Ni for 12 months at 3,150 euros per month to conduct research on high temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cells at one of the leading institutes in Europe – the Forschungszentrum Jülich.
Funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Humboldt Research Fellowship enables highly-qualified scientists and scholars from abroad to carry out research in Germany. Applicants who are experienced researchers should have completed their doctorates less than 12 years ago and have their own, clearly defined research profile. Candidates are selected solely on the basis of their academic qualifications.

HK Scholars Programme 2016 |
5 academics from the Faculty of Construction and Environment have been selected by the Hong Kong Scholars Programme (HKSP) 2016 to engage a mainland scholar as a Postdoctoral Fellow in their research projects. Launched in December 2010 as a joint initiative between mainland authorities and the Society of Hong Kong Scholars, the HKSP promotes academic/ scientific exchanges and collaboration by matching outstanding mainland PhD graduates with leading academics of universities in Hong Kong, who will supervise the mainland scholars for 2 years in a research project. Following are the details:
Postdoctoral Fellow and recommending institution |
Dept. |
Supervisor |
Project Title |
Dr Jiaojie Han,
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law |
Dr Patrick Fong |
Knowledge management at individual, team, and organizational levels |
Dr Shaolin Li,
Beihang University |
Prof. Kwok Fai Chung |
Experimental and numerical investigation into fabricated steel sections using high strength steel materials |
Dr Zhibin Li,
Southeast University |
Prof. William Lam |
Development of smart transportation systems for urban road networks with uncertainties |
Dr Hua-Ping Wan,
Hefei University of Technology |
Prof. Yiqing Ni |
Structural health prognosis of bridges based on Bayesian inference |
Dr Jiangshan Li,
Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Prof. Chi Sun Poon |
Collaboration research study on sustainable land decontamination methods for application in land development projects |

Advanced Nondestructive Testing – Civil Engineering Workshop in Berlin, Germany |
From 13 to 20 July 2016, a group of 19 nondestructive testing (NDT) engineers from Sweden, Poland, India, Finland, Germany, Australia, Turkey, USA, Korea, Japan and Hong Kong attended a workshop in Berlin, Germany. The workshop was organized by Dr Herbert Wiggenhauser, Head of the Department for Non-destructive Damage Assessment and Environmental Measurement Methods of the Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin, and co-organized by Ir Dr Wallace W.L. Lai of LSGI. It was the 4th run since 2013, covering the basics and also the advanced development of NDT-CE technologies. The content included testing, evaluation and imaging technologies in civil engineering, such as classical NDT, concept of validation, principles and hands-on practice of impact echo, ground penetrating radar, ultrasonics, thermography, laser-induced spectroscopy, geophysical methods, pile testing, surface wave, electrochemistry of corrosion process, moisture measurement, data fusion, etc. There was also a 1-day visit to the test site in Horstwalde (a forest 50 km away from Berlin), where a few practical survey instruments were demonstrated and everyone enjoyed a German barbecue lunch. A few participants even challenged themselves to a 30-km bike tour of the city and an evening jog. The workshop turned out to be very successful and was highly rated by the participants. The next one will be in 2017. For more information, please refer to

Participants of the workshop |

16th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar |
From 13 to 16 June 2016, 206 researchers, practitioners and exhibitors from 29 countries attended the 16th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Organized by the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), the conference was kick-started by Prof. John Shi, Head of LSGI, and chaired by Ir Dr Wallace Lai, Assistant Professor of LSGI. Since 1986, this conference has brought together scientists, engineers, industrial delegates, manufacturers, software engineers, and end-users working in various GPR areas, ranging from fundamental electromagnetics, antenna design, forward modeling, inverse modeling, algorithm development to civil engineering and all kinds of surveying applications.
The conference programme included 3 pre-conference tutorials, 5 keynote speeches, 2 parallel oral sessions, 1 poster session, a competition for young scientists, 13 equipment exhibitions, a field demonstration, 2 utility lab visits, 5 bids for GPR 2018, and a gala dinner. The proceedings included 121 online papers in IEEE’s xplore library, and 2 special issues will be published by IEEE JSTARS and NDT &E International respectively in early 2017. 6 presentations were shortlisted for the Young Scientist Award, which went to Mr Markus Löwer from the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics in Germany. Dr Johannes Hugenschmidt at the University of Applied Science in Rapperswil, Switzerland staved off keen competition from the US, China, the UK, and Russia to be the next host of GPR 2018.
The organizing committee would like to acknowledge the financial sponsorships from 13 GPR exhibitors and the Faculty of Construction and Environment of PolyU, technical co-sponsorship from the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (IEEE-GRSS), the Society of Exploration Geophysics and NDT & E International. Manuscript review was done by 11 scientific panel members and 52 reviewers, and monitored by 12 international advisory committee members. Logistic support was provided by the LSGI general office. The post-conference excursion to HK Global Geopark was led by Prof. Lung-Sang Chan from HKU. All these efforts are greatly appreciated. Special thanks also go to the LSGI’s researchers and 25 undergraduate student helpers, without whom the conference would not have been a success.

The local organizing committee with the student helpers |

Chun Wo Extends Collaborative Research Initiative to FCE |
To advance construction-related methods for better safety, quality, environment, or productivity in the industry, Chun Wo Development Holdings Ltd. recently launched a research initiative to collaborate with academia on selected R&D projects funded by the Innovation and Technology Commission. The company visited the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) on 13 July 2016 to present their initiative in detail. Guests including Director (Construction) of Chun Wo Mr Edward Yeung, Mr Rayland Lee, another Director and Mr Gary Chou, its General Manager (Technical) were warmly welcomed by Prof. You-lin Xu, Dean of FCE, who introduced the Faculty and its research areas. In attendance were Prof. Meng Ni, Associate Head (Research) of the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE); Prof. Ya-ping Du, Associate Head of the Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE); Prof. William Lam, Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE); and Dr George Liu, Associate Prof. of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI). The presentations were well received by the FCE staff, who look forward to further information from Chun Wo on the research topics to be explored jointly.

Chun Wo representatives (right) meeting some FCE academics |

7th PRME Asia Forum |
At the 7th Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Asia Forum on 7 July 2016, Dr Patrick Fong, Associate Head (Partnership) of the Department of Building and Real Estate, gave a presentation where he described how construction and environment disciplines have contributed to sustainable development goals and advocated the involvement of other Faculties besides business schools in this important endeavor. The theme of the Forum was stakeholder engagement for responsible management education in contributing to sustainable development goals. The panel discussion following Dr Fong’s presentation illuminated the need for a more sustainable physical built environment in order to protect the natural resources on our planet. |


Visit to Energy Research Institute in Singapore |
On 18 July 2016, Prof. Meng Ni of the Department of Building and Real Estate, Prof. Hongxing Yang and Dr Vivien Lu of the Department of Building Services Engineering visited the Energy Research Institute (ERI) at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. They met with Prof. S.H. Chan, a co-director of ERI, and 3 of its programme directors, Dr Narasimalu Srikanth, Dr Yann Grynberg, and Dr Ovi Lian Ding, to learn more about its research activities, particularly with respect to renewable energy technologies, sustainable building technologies, and fuel cells at ERI. With the aim of exploring future research collaboration, Prof. Yang gave an overview of the Faculty of Construction and Environment, Dr Lu introduced research on green building technologies, while Prof. Ni presented his research on fuel cells and electrolyzers for energy conversion and storage. They also visited the labs at ERI before wrapping up their visit, which was supported by the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development.

(left to right) Prof. Ni, Dr Lu, and Prof. Yang |

Dutch Delegation Visited FCE |
On 15 July 2016, a delegation of 30 students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) visited the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE). Led by Ir Paul Wiggenraad and Ir TJ Zitman of CEG, the visiting group was introduced to FCE and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) by Prof. You-lin Xu, Dean of FCE, and Prof. William Lam, Head of CEE, respectively. Ir Wiggenraad also introduced CEG and its programmes before Delft student representatives shared their experience in arranging study trips with CEE students. The visit concluded with a tour of several CEE laboratories and a lunch hosted by CEE, with the former Dean of TU Delft’s Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering turned Dean of PolyU’s School of Design, Prof. Cees de Bont, joining as a special guest. |

The visitors from TU Delft and their hosts |

Staff Promotions |
The Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) is pleased that the following academic staff members have been promoted as of July 2016. |
Prof. Meng Ni, Professor (BRE)
Prof. Meng Ni studied Aero-engine engineering in China and obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2007. He worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at HKU, before joining the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) as an Assistant Professor in July 2009. He was promoted to Associate Professor in July 2012 and Professor in July 2016.
Prof. Ni is dedicated to teaching Environmental Science, Building Services, Construction Technology and Structure. His Student Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ) scores were within the top 10% in his Department and Faculty. He has focused his research on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and other electrochemical systems for energy conversion/storage. His research has received funding support from the RGC (GRF, ECS, SFC/RGC joint scheme, and France/HK Joint Scheme), the Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), as well as the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF). He has published about 100 papers in prestigious scientific journals with over 4,800 SCI citations, and his H-index is 28. An Associate Editor for 4 journals, including Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessment, Science Bulletin, Frontiers in Environmental Science, and Sustainable Buildings, he is also an Editorial Board Member for 7 journals, and a reviewer for over 60 journals. Prof. Ni received the Young Scientist Award from the Hong Kong Institution of Science in 2007 and the Top Reviewer Award from Applied Energy (a top Energy Journal) in 2011. He was recently chosen for the Best Associate Editor Award by Science Bulletin. In June 2016, Prof. Ni was listed in the World’s Highly Cited Researchers in Energy Science and Technology by ShanghaiRanking. He was awarded the prestigious Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers in July 2016.

Dr J. Wadu Mesthrige, Research Assistant Professor (BRE)
Dr Wadu Mesthrige received his Bachelor’s degree (Hons), Post-graduate Diploma, and Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka. He also obtained his PhD degree in Construction/Real Estate Economics from the University of Hong Kong (HKU). His current research interests mainly cover a wide spectrum of housing property market analysis; urban revitalization /redevelopment and externalities; and sustainable urban development.
Prior to joining the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) as an Instructor in early 2008, he worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in HKU’s Department of Architecture and as a Research Assistant in its Department of Real Estate and Construction. He also has held posts as Assistant Lecturer in Economics at the University of Colombo, and as a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Economics at the Open University of Sri Lanka.
Dr Wadu Mesthrige has done well in research as well as in teaching over the past years at BRE. In recognition of his outstanding teaching performance, he received the Departmental Outstanding Teaching Award 2010-11. He also received the Departmental Research Publication Award (Teaching staff category) for 3 consecutive years from 2012 to 2015. |

Dr Ivy Wong, Assistant Professor (BRE)
Dr Ivy Siu Wai Wong was promoted from Research Assistant Professor to Assistant Professor. She received her BSc (Hons) in Real Estate from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1998, Master of Development Planning with High Distinction from The University of Queensland, Australia in 2004 and PhD in Planning from The University of British Columbia, Canada in 2014. Dr Wong’s current research focuses on urbanisation, local governance, property rights reforms and community planning with a particular focus on China. Over the years, she has published widely on these issues in top journals with high impact factors. In 2015, she received a research grant from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (under the Early Career Scheme) to support her research on shareholding reforms in peri-urban China.
Dr Wong has a rich mix of academic and professional experience in real estate and urban studies. As a General Practice Surveyor, she is a professional member of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and a member of The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS).
Dr Wong started her profession in a private real estate firm, and subsequently worked for three departments in The Government of the HKSAR, including the Lands Department, the Housing Department, and the Rating and Valuation Department. Her specialised areas include land premium assessment for land sale and lease modification, compensation assessment for land acquisition, public housing planning and development, and mass valuation for property taxation.

Prof. Hai Guo, Professor (CEE)
Prof. Guo is a prolific scholar in air pollution research with a focus on atmospheric chemistry of volatile organic compounds and ultrafine particles. Since joining PolyU in 2007, he has secured 8 research grants from the Research Grants Council, including 5 GRF projects, 1 NSFC/RGC project, and 2 CRF projects, as well as 2 from the Environment and Conservation Fund, 1 from the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and 1 from the Public Policy Research, which totalled about 18 million Hong Kong dollars. He has published 99 refereed papers in high-quality international journals, 1 book chapter, 9 research reports, and 78 conference papers. The number of SCI citations to his papers is over 2,500 with an H-index of 27. A recipient of numerous internal and external awards, he has actively contributed his expertise to the professional and industrial community through technology transfer and scholarly services. He was selected as an editorial advisory board member of several journals, including the prestigious Atmospheric Environment in April 2015, Aerosol and Air Quality Research in July 2015, and 4 other international journals. Prof. Guo is an Executive Board Member of the Australia-China Centre for Air Quality Science and Management. He is an invited reviewer for RGC GRF grant applications, and more than 35 journals. In addition, he has delivered keynote lectures at different universities and international conferences, serving on the Scientific Advisory Committee as well as being Convenor and Session Chair at various conferences. |

Dr Yuhong Wang, Associate Professor (CEE)
Dr Wang served as an Assistant Professor of CEE from December 2010 to June 2016. He is a registered professional engineer in the United States and currently the Director of the Hong Kong Road Research Laboratory. After receiving his PhD degree from the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Kentucky in 2003, he worked at the Kentucky Transportation Research Center as a research engineer before beginning his career in academe at Lawrence Technological University and at East Carolina University. Dr Wang’s main research areas include the structural design of flexible pavement, asphalt materials, and pavement construction and management. Dr Wang led and participated in more than 30 road-related research projects, including research on the durability of the asphalt pavement, flexible pavement design in Hong Kong, as well as road maintenance decision-making and optimization methods. He has published nearly 50 journal papers and 2 monographs as a co-author. He also won the first prize in the 2002 U.S. long-term pavement performance test (LTPP) in the International Data Analysis Competition. |


New Academic Staff |
Dr Michael Sing, Research Assistant Professor
The Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) welcomed a new Research Assistant Professor on 4 July 2016. Dr Michael Sing completed his BSc (Hons) degree in Building Surveying (1st Hon) and Master in Building Engineering (Distinction) at the City University of Hong Kong and received the Arup Best Student Award from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). He is a chartered building surveyor with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). He has more than 9 years’ industrial experience in the field of building surveying and project management prior to starting his academic career.
After obtaining his PhD from Curtin University in Australia, he served there as a Senior Lecturer before becoming a Visiting Assistant Professor at the City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include project performance evaluation, mathematical modeling, sustainability in building design and construction.

Ir Prof. Paul Pang, Professor of Practice (Structural Engineering)
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) welcomed a new half-time Professor of Practice (Structural Engineering) in July 2016. Ir Prof. Paul Pang graduated with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at McGill University, Canada in 1976. He has 40 years of experience in planning, design and construction of civil and structural engineering projects and building control in Hong Kong.
He is presently the Project Director of MGM Macau Cotai Hotel and Casino Project, the Chairman of the Examination Board for the HKIE Professional Structural Examination, and the Chairman of the HKIE Fire Discipline Advisory Committee. He is also the Chief Assessor of the Professional Review Interviews of the Chartered Examination of the IStructE in Hong Kong, and the Chairman of the IStructE Sub Committee (HK Division).
A pioneer in advancing steel and composite construction in Hong Kong, Ir Prof. Pang is the Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Steel Construction. He serves as an Adjunct Professor of Civil Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as well as the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong.

Dr Xiaolin Zhu, Assistant Professor
The Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) welcomed a new Assistant Professor in mid-July 2016. Dr Xiaolin Zhu received his B.S. in resource science and engineering in 2007 and M.S. in disaster prevention and reduction engineering and protective engineering in 2010, both from Beijing Normal University. He received his Ph.D. in geography at Ohio State University in 2014. Before coming to PolyU, he was a postdoctoral scholar in the Center of Spatial Technologies and Remote Sensing at the University of California, Davis.
His research interests include remote sensing methods and applications. In particular, his research covers 3 areas: 1) developing new techniques to improve the quality of remote sensing data, 2) monitoring ecosystems and urban environment in spatial and temporal domains, and 3) analyzing the spatial patterns and causes of land surface disturbances.
Dr Zhu published 28 peer-reviewed journal articles, including 5 papers in top journals in the field of remote sensing. Due to his excellent track record of research in remote sensing, he was awarded prestigious awards, including the Presidential Fellowship from Ohio State University, and the Robert N. Colwell Memorial Fellowship Award from the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.


CEE PhD Student Scoops Award for Outstanding Paper |
Ms Ming Li, a PhD student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), recently won an award for a paper at the 7th Cross-Strait Summer School Workshop on Structural Monitoring and Vibration Control in Civil Engineering. Her paper was entitled “Bayesian blind source separation and structure change detection using monitoring strain data.” She is supervised by Prof. Yiqing Ni.

The 15th Academic Conference for Postgraduates in Construction Management and Real Estate |
On 22 June 2016, a multidisciplinary conference was held in the Sustainable City Laboratory of the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE). Organized by PolyU’s CIB Student Chapter in collaboration with the University of Hong Kong’s CIB Student Chapter in its Faculty of Architecture and the Postgraduate Association of Shenzhen University’s (SZU) College of Civil Engineering, the conference provided a platform for postgraduates in the fields of Construction, Civil Engineering, and Real Estate to share their original research. An opening speech was delivered by Prof. Francis Wong of BRE, who serves as the honorary advisor of PolyU’s Student Chapter. In attendance were Prof. Eddie Hui and Dr Ann Yu, who judged the contents of the students’ presentations in terms of their outline, objectives, methodology etc. Best Presentation Awards went to Mr Ruichang Mao from SZU, Mr Jianzheng Liu from HKU, and Mr Robert Osei-Kyei from PolyU, who was also voted as the best presenter by the audience.
The PolyU CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction) Student Chapter is a non-profit organization funded by both FCE and BRE. Membership is free for FCE postgraduates. To sign up, please go to |


Entry Scholarships for Outstanding FCE Applicants |

Faculty Public Lectures |

The Faculty of Construction and Environment was honoured to have the following speakers giving lectures at FCE:

Prof. Zhonghe Zhou
FCE Distinguished Lecture
“Origin and Early Evolution of Birds”
Date: 25 July 2016 (Monday) (Details)
Prof. Zhonghe Zhou
Director of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Prof. Sami F. Masri
FCE Public Lecture
“An Overview of Some Developments in the Field of Structural Vibration Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems”
Date: 28 July 2016 (Thursday) (Details)
Prof. Sami F. Masri
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, California, USA |

Forthcoming Events |

RISUD Annual International Symposium 2016
Theme: Smart Cities
Date: 23-24 August 2016
Faculty Sharing Forum
Theme: Writing Successful Proposals for RGC Competitive Grants
Date: 31 August 2016
Time: 9:30am – 12:35pm
Venue: Y302
Best Dissertation Competition 2016 organized by PolyU CIB Student Chapter
Deadline for Application: 9th September 2016
Eligibility: All current final-year postgraduate students (including MPhil and PhD) who have submitted their dissertation are encouraged to apply.

Copyright © Faculty of Construction and Environment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. All rights reserved. |