Good teaching is strongly emphasized and highly valued by PolyU because the University is committed to providing the best possible professional education for its students. To ensure and facilitate good teaching at PolyU, the University conducts teaching evaluations regularly to collect feedback from different stakeholders via different channels. You can find a comprehensive guide to teaching evaluation policies for all parties involved in evaluating teaching performance here.
But briefly, there are three main components in teaching evaluations at PolyU. You can click on each component for more details.
The PolyU SFQ
At PolyU, all full-time and part-time staff having a major teaching responsibility for any subjects/classes of any PolyU award-bearing programmes at the sub-degree, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels are required to collect feedback from students on their teaching on a regular basis for both developmental and judgmental purposes. The results will be used as one of the sources of evidence in judging a staff member’s teaching performance in the annual staff appraisal and in important personnel decisions regarding (re)appointments, tenure, and promotion.
Workshop series
Each year, EDC offers a workshop series on SFQ consisting of two workshops.

Quick links
Looking for some information about teaching evaluation at PolyU with no luck?
Try the following links:
PolyU SFQ Handbook for Academic Staff
PolyU SFQ Handbook for Departmental SFQ Administrators
Procedures for conducting in-class eSFQ
Looking for more information about the SFQ?
Contact us.
SFQ advice
Ms Ada Tse, EDO
Ext: 4414
SFQ policies
Mr Kenneth Tam, LTC Secretary
Ext: 4103
eSFQ general enquires and support
Teaching Portfolio
Did you know that for academic reviews or staff appraisal that you may need to submit a teaching portfolio?
A teaching portfolio is a document compiled by an academic staff member to represent or make claims about his/her teaching practice or accomplishments. It is an opportunity to document and demonstrate the effectiveness of your teaching by presenting a wide range of evidence from a variety of sources.
While the format of the teaching portfolio isn’t stipulated, the University provides an e-portfolio platform
– the eTeaching Portfolio (eTP) system
– for teachers to use if they want.
The PolyU eTP system
The PolyU eTeaching Portfolio (eTP) system is an online platform for teaching staff members to compile their teaching achievements into a portfolio. It facilitates the documentation of teaching evidence in a systematic and an efficient way for developmental and judgmental purposes. It is designed to support the preparation of supporting documents in accordance with the documentation requirements for academic reviews set out in the Handbook on Teaching Evaluation.
You will find the system at Log in using your NetID and password. A user guide to using the system can be found here.
Do you have a question or need assistance regarding the system?
Contact us.
eTP Support
Peer Review
Peer review of teaching is part of the formal teaching evaluation process at PolyU. It is confined to the review of teaching in a classroom setting, and so is conducted in the form of classroom observation. You can find out more about peer review at PolyU, including who needs one and when, in the Handbook on Teaching Evaluation.
List of reviewers
Would you like to invite a reviewer to do a peer review?
Find the list of certified reviewers here.
Do you have a question about peer review at PolyU?
Contact us.
Dr Barbara Tam
Ext: 5108