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Driving hospitality forward In the Hong Kong boot camp, students learn to interpret critical hotel data and results of market research .

In the Hong Kong boot camp, students learn to interpret critical hotel data and results of market research .

The Hong Kong advantage

With PolyU's SHTM at the educational forefront of the Asian wave sweeping the global hospitality and tourism sector, the students have also benefited from highly developed links with both regional and global hospitality experts. This, in turn, has offered them key insights into industry dynamics. For instance, on their field trip to Macau they learned from representatives of the Macau Government Tourism office that the gambling industry might well be what most people associate the city with. However, the government is putting in great effort to attract corporate visitors and family tourists in an effort to diversify the current customer segmentation in hotels. A further tour to Beijing and Shanghai promises to offer more insights into the evolving nature of hospitality in mainland China.

In Hong Kong, a four-day Boot Camp conducted by well-renowned HVS Consulting immersed the students in critical hotel data, the results of market studies and the benefits of associated research. Follow an opening seminar led by the firm's founder Mr Steve Rushmore, the students learned about owners' and managers' roles in management, contract negotiation, and the techniques needed for identifying the value of hotel real estate.

Armed with such highly specialised knowledge and emerging from an intense, 18-month cross-cultural experience, graduating students will receive the MSc in Global Hospitality Business degree awarded by PolyU and Certificates of Completion issued by the EHL and the UH. More importantly, they will be equipped, and eminently able, to drive the hospitality industry forward.