Campus Reports
Engineering experts elected HKAES Fellows Engineering experts elected HKAES Fellows

Three PolyU academics have been elected Fellows of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) in recognition of their distinguished achievements in serving Hong Kong with top quality engineering expertise. (From left) They are Prof. Philip C.H. Chan, PolyU Deputy President and Provost; Prof. Man Hau-chung, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering; and Prof. Teng Jin-guang, Chair Professor of Structural Engineering and Director of the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development.

Earlier this year, Prof. Teng was also bestowed a Second-Class State Natural Science Award in recognition of his achievements in a research project entitled “Behaviour and design of concrete structures strengthened with advanced fibre-reinforced polymer composites” that he conducted in collaboration with Dr Lam Lik of PolyU and two professors from Tsinghua University.