BA (Hons)/BSc (Hons) Scheme in Translation, Language Sciences and Analytics

Entrance Year Sept 2025
Programme Code JS3241
Mode of Study Full-time
Normal Duration
4 years
Programme Intake 106 (Combined intake for programmes JS3007 [around 11], JS3241 [around 32], JS3242 [around 15], JS3320 [around 16] and JS3240 [around 32]) (JUPAS and Non-JUPAS) (Subject to approval)
Fund Type Government-Funded
Credits Required for Graduation
126 (including 3 Work-Integrated Education training credits) for BALT/ BScLSA
Programme Leader(s)
Programme Leader – BA (Hons) in Linguistics and Translation
Dr WU Zhiwei
Programme Leader – BSc (Hons) in Language Sciences and Analytics
Dr KWONG Yee Lan, Elaine
PhD, BSc
Students will gain one of the following awards upon successful completion of the programme:
BA (Hons) in Linguistics and Translation
BSc (Hons) in Language Sciences and Analytics
An intake quota may apply to any of the 2 Major programmes.
The option of a Secondary Major in AI and Data Analytics is available to students of the BA (Hons) in Linguistics and Translation and the BSc (Hons) in Language Sciences and Analytics. Admission to the Secondary Major is competitive and subject to different credit requirements for graduation. Please see Secondary Major Details for further information.
For students admitted to the BSc (Hons) in Language Sciences and Analytics, they may opt for pursuing the Artificial Intelligence in Language Sciences specialism at the end of semester 2 of their Year Two study. (Subject to approval)
Aims and Characteristics
The BA (Hons)/BSc (Hons) Scheme in Translation, Language Sciences and Analytics comprises one of the following awards: the BA (Hons) in Linguistics and Translation; and the BSc (Hons) in Language Sciences and Analytics.
Students admitted to the Scheme study a common curriculum in Year One and complete their chosen programme (one of the above two) over the following 3 years. Students are asked to rank their choices of Major programme in order of preference by the end of Semester 2 of Year One for the consideration of and approval by the CBS. The decision to admit a student to a Major programme is made by the CBS based on the student’s choice and their GPA of designated subjects. An intake quota may apply.
1. Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Linguistics and Translation
Programme Aims
To train language-related professionals in our knowledge-rich and highly connected world with special focus on biliterate and trilingual proficiency;
To endow our graduates with highly sophisticated communication skills, especially in terms of cultural and linguistic sensitivity in intercultural and corporate communication; interpersonal skills and empathy in face-to-face interaction as well as digital communication and the technological savvy to address the complex needs and challenges of today’s media landscape;
To equip our graduates with a general knowledge of the underlying concepts and profession-specific literacy skills in linguistics, speech sciences, translation and interpreting, and corporate communication; and
To equip our graduates with competence in data analytics involving linguistic and textual data, and the ability to identify, analyse and evaluate relevant trends and information using effective linguistic analytic methods.
Programme Characteristics
Leveraging the combined strengths of linguistics and translation to create a synergy of theory, application and professional training.
Capitalising on advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) to train language-related professionals across a wide range of professions (e.g. translation and interpreting, the IT industry, language policy making, language teaching, and publishing).
Possible enrolment to a dual degree programme with The Shanghai Jiao Tong University (admission on a competitive basis).
Medium of Instruction
- English and Chinese*
* Putonghua by default; Cantonese used only in elective subjects on the Cantonese language
2. Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Language Sciences and Analytics
Programme Aims
To train language and knowledge professionals for our information-rich and highly connected world and the era of digital humanities.
To endow our graduates with highly sophisticated communication skills, especially in terms of culture and domain sensitivity in intercultural and corporate communication; inter-personal skills and empathy in face-to-face communication as well as over digital media; and technological know-how to master current and future new media.
To equip our graduates with general knowledge of the underlying concepts and profession-specific literacy and skills in linguistics and bilingual communication.
To train our graduates in utilising analytic tools, performing and presenting quantitative analyses on language data, and extracting useful information from large-scale language datasets with complex scales.
To empower our graduates with the ability to create, adapt and utilise language-related applications and tap into advances in artificial intelligence research.
Programme Characteristics
The programme provides students with interdisciplinary training in areas including language sciences, quantitative data analytics, computer programming and computational linguistics.
To nurture a deep understanding of how language works (in an individual and in a society) and foster familiarity with the concepts of digital humanities and the tools and methods of collecting and analysing language data in the digital era.
To strengthen skills in analysing social sentiments, spotting trends in the making, generating predictions and providing insight for business and/or administrative decision making.
Medium of Instruction
- English and Chinese*
* Putonghua by default; Cantonese used only in elective subjects on the Cantonese language
All admitted students will embark on a Common Year One curriculum. Towards the end of year one, students can decide whether to continue with their initial choice or switch to another choice within the Faculty. Those who wish to change to another choice need to join a competitive process through a ranking assessment, which considers a combination of entrance qualification score, Year One GPA, and interview performance.