Some possible examples of linguistic relativity (2 hours)

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While most of the claims related to linguistic relativity are junk, as we have seen, there are a few that might actually be reasonable. I discuss two in the attached slides. Read either one of these (you can do both if you want) and see what you think. After this, you will be asked to reflect on the idea of linguistic relativity, and the evidence for and against it.

Reflect on this module. Do you believe in linguistic relativity? Why or why not?

You may also use this space to write the typical reflection stuff (what new concepts you learned, what surprised you, any difficulties or questions you have, etc.).

When you finish this activity, you are done with the module (assuming all your work on this and the previous tasks has been satisfactory). You can return to the module homepage to review this module, or return to the class homepage to select a different module or assignment to do now.

by Stephen Politzer-Ahles. Last modified on 2021-04-25. CC-BY-4.0.