Types of grammar (0.5 hours)

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As discussed in an earlier task, grammar is not just about sentences, verb endings, and stuff like that. Grammar is every aspect of the system governing how language works. Let's take a moment to look at what different kinds of "grammar" there are in a language. This will also be useful because the kinds of grammar match very closely to the different subfields of linguistics (things like "syntax", "phonetics", etc.) and the modules of this subject.

Looking at the chapter you read in part 2 of this module, or at any other resources you can find, fill in the blanks below with the names of different subfields of linguistic study.

When you're finished, you can click below to check your answers.

When you have finished this activity, continue to the last section of the module: "Reflection".

by Stephen Politzer-Ahles. Last modified on 2021-04-15. CC-BY-4.0.