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Prof MS Wong

 Professor M. S. Wong
Chair of IRSSD Scientific Meeting 2024 
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, 
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China


Welcome to IRSSD Scientific Meeting 2024 to be held on 21-23 June 2024 in Jockey Club Innovation Tower (JCIT), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.  JCIT was designed by the world-renowned architect Ms. Zaha Hadid. She was described by The Guardian as the "Queen of Curves", who "liberated architectural geometry, giving it a whole new expressive identity". Her major works include this JCIT, the Guangzhou Opera House, the London Aquatics Centre for the 2012 Olympics, the Broad Art Museum, and Rome's MAXXI Museum.

The theme of this meeting is “Exploring Better Outcome under Uncertainties”. We did face many challenges due to COVID-19 pandemic in the past 3 years and the situation is getting stable and under control. This physical meeting aims to bring back all the experts of spinal deformities worldwide together to share their research findings and ideas for further exploration for better treatment outcomes.

Apart from the scientific exchange opportunity, Hong Kong is a Asia’s world city and has a number of attractions including its east-meet-west history and culture, cosmopolitan lifestyle, financial services, and greater bay area. You can learn more via the following links:



I and the Organising Committee of IRSSD2024 Scientific Meeting are looking forward to meeting you and your team members in Hong Kong and share your research findings and explore future collaboration opportunities among the delegates. All of us can work together and commit to realizing better services to the patients with spinal deformities in various aspects. For those who have not yet joined as members, we do hope you can register to become part of IRSSD.


Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee Members of IRSSD 2024 Scientific Meeting
(From left to right, Prof. T. P. Lam, Prof. M. S. Wong, Prof. Winnie Chu & Prof. Jack Cheng)