CHEN Zhuoan, Joanna
Department of English and Communication
Faculty of Humanities
Presentation Title: Selling Paradise: Why and How Language Matters in Hotel Reservations

Department of Building and Real Estate
Faculty of Construction and Environment
Presentation Title: Towards a Comprehensive Pavement Condition Assessment

FORMOLO Douglas Affonso
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Presentation Title: Moving away from Depression

LAI Huang, Cheron
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Presentation Title: Droplet Microfluidics for Single-T-cell Activation in situ Analysis

LAM Wing Tung, Winnie
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Presentation Title: Effects of the Application of Markerless Motion Capture (MMC) Technology for Patients with Stroke

WANG Zhuowei
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Construction and Environment
Presentation Title: Hydrogen bus: Driving green transit alongside electric bus in Hong Kong

WONG Chun Ching, Shirley
Department of Food Science and Nutrition
Faculty of Science
Presentation Title: Seeding the Seafloor: Uncovering the Ideal Home for Coral Larvae

XU Shujie
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Construction and Environment
Presentation Title: Cracking the ABC (Algal Bloom Code) for a Safer Water Future