

Student Ambassador: Raymond

Major: BBA (Hons) in Accountancy

Transferred from: Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Something about me:

Hey guys! Welcome to the SYA family, or shall I say, the PolyU family:) After studying hard for like two years (actually, it is one year owing to the pandemic as I did nothing in the second year), finally! The “U-life”! But as a matter of fact, things seem harsher than I thought. The credit transfer issue, potential online learning, being a year 3 newbie in this university, complex school map, etc … are all acting as headaches to me. But never mind ~ This year is getting much better, and you have SYA student ambassadors like me, to answer your questions passionately. We are committed to solving every single problem of yours. We help each other. Looking forward to seeing you guys soon on campus ^^