Assignment Effort Table

Attempts to address difficulties experienced by Educators in encouraging Reinforcing Study habits amongst students. The intention is to guide Educators to encourage learning beyond classroom settings by giving Students ownership and control over learning styles and methods. It is also designed to prepare Students for life-long learning and to improve Students’ interest in subjects. This tool should not be confused with the FLIPPED CLASSROOM, which also attempts to encourage independent learning by Students. The development of this tool was based on the same principles, however it is aimed at both in-class and outside-class learning and to encourage Educators to design their course in a way that focuses and enables Students’ learning. The tool contains a series of prompts that ask Educators to clarify their teaching style.


The implementation of the Assignment Effort Table is a continuous process:

  1. Educators assess the amount of effort they deem the students should put on the assignment/assessment
  2. Educators develop buildup the assumptions they have on the students
  3. Students reflect on the amount of effort they put the assignment/assessment
  4. Educators compare their expectations with the results gathered from the students
  5. Educators assess whether they have overestimated/underestimated the students
  6. Adjustments can be made on the next assignment/assessment

This method can be adopted to many different types of assignments/assessments set by the Educators. It also gives the students an idea of what they need to do for the assignment/assessment, guiding them through their work.



Effort Assignment Table GUIDE