
Open Forum: Consultation Paper on Quality Learning & Teaching: Continual Enhancement & Assurance of Student Learning Outcomes

Facilitator(s)/ Speaker(s):
Prof. Arthur Mak, AVP(AD) & Dean of Students

Date / Time / Venue:
2/2/2009 / 14:30-16:30 / QR404
6/2/2009 / 14:40-16:30 / EF311



PolyU has pledged to adopt Outcome-Based Education (OBE) since the 2004 curriculum revision exercise, which emphasizes the continual enhancement and assurance of student learning outcomes.


How are we faring in implementing OBE during these four years? Are we in good progress? If not, what are the obstacles and problems that hinder us from fully implementing OBE? Are there any policies and strategies that can be modified to support teachers' commitment to teaching?


The University would like to listen to teachers' opinions about what can be done further to facilitate the effective implementation of OBE and improvement of learning and teaching. In the recently produced Consultation Paper on Quality Learning and Teaching: Continual Enhancement and Assurance of Student Learning Outcomes, a number of questions have been raised to arouse discussion among academic staff. The paper was sent to all Heads of Academic Department in December 2008 for circulation to academic staff. Departments are requested to send their feedback on the discussion questions raised in the paper to the Working Group on Outcome-Based Education by mid-February 2009.


You may have already given your views to your Department. But this Open Forum provides you with another opportunity to voice your opinions. Come and share your thoughts with Prof. Arthur Mak, AVP(AD) and Dean of Students, as well as colleagues from other departments.


A position paper on teaching and learning for PolyU will eventually be developed based on academic staff??s views and comments. Your input is very important to the University. Don??t miss this chance and register now!

For registration, please click