17th Congregation of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Speech by Prof. Liu Sing Cheong

Faculty Dean Prof. Teng, distinguished guests, colleagues, graduates, ladies and gentlemen:

Good afternoon.

It gives me great pleasure to take part in your congregation ceremony today. More than three decades ago, I graduated from the predecessor of this University, the Hong Kong Polytechnic. Today, I have come back to give you a talk in my alma mater. Not only am I greatly honored, I also feel like coming home.

Your Faculty Dean, Prof. Teng, has asked me to share with you my professional development, and offer some advice and encouragement to the new graduates. I find this task both meaningful and challenging.  Life experience is a rather personal matter. I find it hard, if ever possible,to summarize it into a few overriding principles. Of course, a successful professional career requires some common personal traits, such as hardworking, intelligence, stamina, and so on. But many situational factors, such as luck, friends, changes in society and business environment, can also cast a significant bearing on one’s career path. Therefore, I find it somewhat imprudent, if not irresponsible, inviting you to follow my footsteps. This is not my purpose today. All I wish to do here is to share with you some of my humble personal stories, all of which happened as a matter of chance.   

The first story happened some 20 years ago when I was invited by my alma mater to give a talk about the Hong Kong property market to a delegation of real estate administrators from Guangzhou. That marked the beginning of my real estate consulting business in the mainland. Had I not been involved in the talk, I would not have befriended this group of mainland professionals and started my mainland business. Without this opportunity, I don’t know whether I would still have a chance to meet these mainland friends later in my life again. My business and professional development might have taken an entirely different route.

I also want to mention another incident. As you all know, the real estate market, especially in the mainland, is greatly affected by government policy. The duration and strength of policy adjustment imposed directly impacts the well-being of relevant companies. In some cases, it may even be a matter of life and death. If Mr Deng Xiaoping's southern tour was held in 1995 instead of 1992, I might have already given up my mainland business by 1995 as a result of prolonged losses.

My involvement in giving a talk to the Guangzhou delegates was not planned by me. The timing of Mr Deng Xiaoping's southern tour was part of the national strategy, which was also beyond my control. Yet, these two incidents had a far-reaching impact on my personal career development. Consider two equally competent persons. If they are brought up in two different families, they would likely follow different paths and have different achievements. No matter how we diligently plan everything ahead, only time can tell the results we will finally get. The Chinese saying is“謀事在人,成事在天”.

As an alumnus of this University, I encourage you all to put the best effort in your chosen endeavors. However, we should also be prepared in case success may not come as quickly as we want. Rewards may not always be commensurate with investment, especially when the going is tough. In this age of uncertainties, we all need to be able to sustain ourselves in adversity. That makes the choice of your career path extremely important. If you can engage in a career of your own interest and are passionate and enthusiastic in what you do, you are going to have stronger resilience and perseverance to enhance the chance of success. You will find satisfaction and remain positive from overcoming challenges in life. All successful personalities are motivated first and foremost by their enjoyment in what they do. The monetary rewards just happen to follow. Look at Liu Xiang when he jumps over the hurdles and Nadal when he plays tennis. Money cannot fully explain their commitment and top performance in these games. When a certain level of affluence is reached, passion and satisfaction become the key motivations to really excel in one’s work. The late Steve Jobs of Apple Computer was a typical example.

Dear graduates, you will today receive your graduation parchments and turn a new chapter in your life. I hope every one of you will participate actively in your lifelong marathon. Do not worry too much about temporary setbacks and short-term losses. Live in the present. Open your eyes to the future. Leave no regrets. In Chinese, “活在當下,放眼未來,無悔今生”!

Finally, I wish you all a brilliant and promising future!








