
With generous support of HK$24.19 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, The University’s Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation started a 3-year social innovation programme - PolyU Jockey Club “Operation SoInno”. It is a platform for cross-sectoral collaboration among the academia, non-governmental organisations, professional bodies, passionate citizens, corporations and the Government to generate innovative solutions to alleviate the impact of double-ageing (ageing of people and buildings) and to enhance the quality of life in Hong Kong.

The programme consists of four major components, namely, “One from Hundred Thousand”, “SoInno Action Projects”, “SoInno Design Education” and “SoInno Knowledge Platform”. In its first year, the programme will propose action projects in the areas of “transitional social housing”, “elderly-friendly employment”, “inter-generational playgrounds” and “re-imagined elderly service centres”. Details>>