World-class hospitality education
The August 2005 issue of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research ranked our School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) fourth in the world-ranking on research and scholarship. The School is also the only non-US based institution on the top-five list. SHTM is well known as the pioneer of hotel and tourism education in Hong Kong. It was designated by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) as one of its 16 Education and Training Network Centres around the World in 1999, the only such centre in Asia. In 2002, the International Academy for the Study of Tourism (IAST) chose the school as the home of its permanent secretariat. Besides, the School was the recipient of 2003 Institutional Achievement Award from International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators (ISTTE) for innovation and contribution to the field of tourism education.

根據國際權威的《酒店及旅遊研究期刊》於2005年8月號刊登的分析,理大酒店及旅遊業管理學院在發表研究論文方面全球排名第四,是首五名之中唯一非美國的院校。學院在香港早已享負盛名,1999年,世界旅遊組織選定理大為其全球網絡的十六所教育及培訓中心之一;2002 年,學院獲「國際旅遊研究學院」選定為全球總部;2003年,學院獲國際旅遊業教育協會頒發「最佳教育學府大獎」,表彰學院在旅遊教育方面的創新和傑出成就。