PolyU's Civil Engineering Research top in the world
According to a survey conducted by Thomson Scientific, an established authority in compiling Science Citation Index, PolyU has been ranked number one in the world on the number of papers published in leading journals from 2003 to 2005 in the field of civil engineering. In Hong Kong, for six consecutive years since 2001/2002, we were first in both the amount of grants won and the number of projects supported in the Competitive Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) for the discipline of Civil Engineering, Surveying, Building and Construction.

根據由編撰科學引文索引的權威機構湯普森科技資訊集團(Thomson Scientific)進行的一項調查,在2003至2005年間,理大在土木工程學範疇所發表的優質文獻總數量位列全球第一。另外,理大為土木工程、測量及建造工程學科範疇申請研究用途補助金,一直以來均成績卓越。自2001至2002年度起,理大連續六年在資助款額和獲資助項目數目兩方面均獨佔鰲頭。