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Annual General Meeting 2022_Re-convened

To:   Members of PUSA

From: Secretary, PUSA

Date: 15 November 2022

Re: Annual General Meeting 2022_Re-convened

Dear Colleagues,

AGM 2022 scheduled on 15 November was declared inquorate. Notice is hereby given that the re-convened AGM 2022 will be held on Wednesday, 30 November 2022 at 12:45 in Room P304.

Details are as follows:

Date: 30 Nov 2022 (Wednesday)      日期: 二零二二年十一月三十日 (星期三)

Time: 12:45  時間: 下午十二時四十五分

Venue: Room P304  地點: P304室

Agenda 議 程

1. Confirmation of the Minutes of the Previous AGM


2. Matters Arising from the Minutes 與會議記錄相關事項

3. Annual Report 2021/2022 週年報告

4. Financial Reports and Auditors’ Reports 2021/2022 財務報告及核數師報告

5. Election of Officers (for a term ending 30 November 2024)

幹事選舉 (任期至二零二四年十一月三十日止)

6. Appointment of Auditors

7. Any Other Business 其他事項

All members of PUSA are urged to attend. 敬請各會員踴躍參加。

Christine Yeung, PUSA Secretary

Nomination of Officers of PUSA 2022-2024
理工大學教職員協會幹事選舉提名 2022-2024


Date 日期 1 November 2022
(The Chinese version follows the English one 中文版載於英文版後 )



Dear PUSA Members,

In accordance with the Constitution of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Staff Association (PUSA), Officers of the Association shall be elected biennially from and by its members (i.e., members of PUSA who are also full-time staff members of PolyU). Eligible members are cordially invited to make nominations for the following posts for a term ending 30 November 2024:

Nominees, Proposers and Seconders must all be members of PUSA.

Nominations should be made using the attached form and sent to the Convenor of PUSA Ballots Subcommittee via internal mail to arrive no later than 10:00 a.m., Monday, 14 November 2022. In the event that no valid nomination for any specific post(s) is received before the closing time & date specified above, nominations shall be accepted from the floor of PUSA’s AGM to be held on 15 November 2022.

Elections by secret ballot for the posts will be conducted at the AGM. An election will be conducted even if only one valid nomination is received with respect to a particular post in order to satisfy the requirements of the Registry of Trade Unions.

Thank you.

Christine Yeung
Secretary, PUSA


根據理工大學教職員協會會章,本會幹事須每兩年選舉一次。 本人現邀請 閣下提名本會會員擔任下列幹事職銜,任期至二零二四年十一月三十日:

被提名人、提名人及和議人都必須為本會會員。 請填妥隨附的提名表格,並在二零二二年十一月十四日上午十時前交回本會辦事處﹝VA204室﹞香港理工大學教職員協會投票小組召集人收。 在上述提名期限後,任何未收到有效提名的幹事職銜,將於週年大會舉行當日,即時接受提名。

